My knees hurt!

So I've been getting into body building this past 4/5 months and about a month ago I went to do some leg extensions but stopped immediately as pain surrounding my knees arose. Now as I bend it hurts and even more so to get back up. It won't go and I don't know what to do!!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    See a physio
  • JennyNelson2
    JennyNelson2 Posts: 9 Member
    I get the same problem. Give it a rest to heal and go see a Physio. I got a Physio to show me how to strap my cruciate and vmo. I take turmeric tablets and use tons of antiflam. No squats below 90 degrees now for me. I do one work out a week in water.
  • MassarDv
    MassarDv Posts: 76 Member
    If the pain is chronic try a MRI scan and get a thorough diagnosis done and follow up with Physio therapist .

    Do icing and heating everyday . Don't take pain killers and rest as long as possible