Grapefruit Diet



  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    GiddyupTim wrote: »
    Okay, I know nothing about the Grapefruit Diet. But I do know that researchers at the University of California, San Diego, looked at the utility of eating grapefruit a few years back. They looked because it is a food so commonly associated with dieting.
    In a study, they had their subjects eat a half a grapefruit before meals, and they found that the grapefruit eaters lost more weight than a group of control subjects who ate a similar diet without the grapefruit.
    They obviously had no clear cut explanation of why this might be so, but they speculated that maybe grapefruit primed the insulin system for the meal.
    Was it a 20-pound loss in two weeks? No. Course not. But grapefruit did appear to promote weight loss to an appreciable degree.
    On the other hand, I have never seen that this study was replicated.

    How long ago was it? And is it not possible that they ate less of the higher calorie foods?
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    EmPersson wrote: »
    And now I have Weird Al Yankovic's song "Grapefruit Diet" (to the tune of "Zoot Suite Riot") stuck in my head. Fun song, not so fun diet.

    Dammit. Now it's in MY head.