Gamers Losing Weight

Hello Internet!

I am a 24 year old student/gamer and I'm trying to find some people on here to group up with so we can get healthy and happy together!!

I just started a Youtube channel for gamers who are interested in losing weight.

I am posting all the foods I eat every day.
All the food I buy when I go grocery shopping.
I'm making exercises to go with video games (PC).
I'm putting together alternate healthy foods for gaming Noms.

And much more!!

I will be posting multiple videos every day.

You don't have to be a gamer to join the community though! So if you are interested in watching some youtube videos on weight loss (or trying to be more healthy) or if you want to be friends on here please add me!! :)

I really want to hold myself accountable and to really change my life!

Here is my Youtube Channel.

Looking forward to being healthy with you!! :)