Any funny, motivated people that want to keep each other accountable!

Hi all! My name is Artemis (Greek origins, born and raised in Montreal, QC) but please call me Diana!

I am friendly, funny and desperate to motivate and be motivated!

In one week, I am heading to Estonia where, two French friends, an Estonian and I will do some intense hiking. After that, I will head to Norway where I will be a volunteer at Extreme Sports Week! I am so so so excited but also, so not as fit as my friends that I will be going with! Please, someone, keep me accountable to posting what I eat! Thursday, I will have access to a scale and after I weigh myself, I want to start tracking my food!

I was supposed to weigh myself this morning, but I was absolutely terrified to! Actually, I believe that I lost weight (because some friends and coworkers told me that I did) but nonetheless, I have been scared! It is the first time in my life that I felt so unfit!

Anyone want to do this together? As of Thursday (tomorrow I can't!), want to do this journey with me?!

Much much much love!!

By the way, we can do this in an unjudgemental, happy way!!



  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    You can add me.
  • vb8675
    vb8675 Posts: 5 Member
    Surely we can!
  • Momoyafah
    Momoyafah Posts: 29 Member
    You can add me! Sounds like a great summer!
  • Artemis_diana
    Artemis_diana Posts: 20 Member
    Added you guys!! Cheers! Let's do this!
  • kcspm
    kcspm Posts: 43 Member
    Me me me!!! I'm super fun and sarcastic. I also love traveling and experiencing new cultures. I speak 3 languages and I'm on a quest to lose 100 lbs. I just started in May at 250lbs and Im down to 227lbs!
  • SelfConscious17
    SelfConscious17 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, add me and I'm definitely looking for others who are in the process of a weight loss journey. When you hold yourself accountable it makes the process easier I feel.