How much do you think your life situation affects your Body and Health Plans.

Hi everyone kind of new to MFP but not to loosing weight....yet again.
I have noticed when things are going well in my life I jump on the Health & Fitness Band Wagon.
IE (Eat right, train right, avoid the bad things in life) its all Good.

But when life hits you (Unemployed, Hurt or Sick) my health goes out the window !
I do not want to gain weight but it seems I eat comfort foods (crap) and drink alcohol during these times which does not make the situation any better ! Then 6 months goes by and I try to kick things in gear and jump back on the Wagon so to speak and get hurt or something else comes up to knock me off again.
Is it me or it just seems like a case of cause and effect.
Beautiful people who have there Work and Family life straight just seem to also be fit and healthy...You know who they are : - ).
Any how I was just wondering if it was just me or have others experienced this ?


  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    My mother suddenly passed away last year. I was there. I watched her take her last breaths. A few short months later I lost my home in a natural disaster.

    I also got on "the wagon" and have lost 40 lbs to date of the 60 lbs I needed to lose to reach a healthy BMI for my height.

    Excuses are funny things. When you stop making them you stop having them.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    edited June 2017
    For me, stress and depression throw me off! Those emotions turn into extreme hunger. Now I'm just trying not to let those things keep me off track for good.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    In the past, when I was younger absolutely, emotions and stress had a role in my overeating. However, I have gotten a much better hold on eating better and exercising consistently. I am human and sometimes need a break from counting calories and the gym. Last week, I ate whatever sounded good and took time away from the gym because I have been working hard since January. Yesterday, I went back into the gym and killed it! My life is far from perfect, but I feel that I have a fairly good and consistent grasp on my fitjourney.

    Keep it up
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Sure, there are some things that get in the way of fitness, sickness or injury certainly. But those are usually short term. I think if there is something getting in the way of staying fit on a long term basis that is not medical, you need to take a good look at your life and reprioritize.

    If you'd asked me this question about diet 10 years ago I'd have to said no, life problems do not affect my diet. Then my last child moved out and I became overweight. I was still fit and didn't have any medical problems but it's hard to deny the link between the empty nest and my becoming overweight for the first time. But once it was pointed out to me I got back on track. I still find it weird that it happened at all. I've never been an emotional eater. It was so unlike me.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,487 Member
    Well, the problem isn't so much losing weight. If we could step outside of our lives into our private Biggest Loser designed weight loss program almost everybody could set themselves up to succeed. The problem is we have to live in the world, not at a weight loss resort.

    To succeed at fitness in the world we have to learn to work around things. Hard to workout, participate in sports and genrerally be active and never be injured. But real problem comes from letting the pain in your knee get inside your head. Sick? I'm a big baby when I have a cold or something like that. Pass me the comfort food. Then I was diagnosed with CA. Nobody suggested I'd be better off fighting cancer 100+ lbs heavier.

    You can either go out and get enough money to hire a personal chef and full time fitness trainer to live with you on your private island or you can live in the world. Maybe the "beautiful people" seem to make it look easy because they have good habits and the determination to keep them. Just sayin'.
  • Mandamanda93
    Mandamanda93 Posts: 213 Member
    Definitely related, and hard to overcome.
    I take over a dozen pills a day for everything from chronic pain to tuberculosis (like, are you kidding me?) and depression (almost certainly related). For me, the most help has been finding foods that I can substitute in as comfort foods. For example, I'll make "pizza" with a low-carb wrap, pizza seasoning, alfredo sauce, cheese, and spinach. Or brownies, made with black beans or avocados. My favorite has been NutriLite high-protein bars.
    I think what's related is that people who are in shape and keep a regular routine are less shaken when life hits them hard because they have strength and confidence, as well as a routine to keep them going (at least, in my experience). Even on your crap days, getting that routine set will lead to better bodies/self-confidence/etc. Weight loss is an awful lot less about motivation than it is about discipline.
  • ILivSD
    ILivSD Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks all for the great responses. I like many of you I have had my share of challenges (its all part of this thing called Life not trying to place blame or excuses) I get it. The excuse road is not where I was heading but I totally understand that too. My self the challenges I had that just caused me to totally fail were loss of employment that had (Long Term with medical, retirement etc) during our recession, on top of that one of my kids got terminally sick with cancer, then my wife lost her job, of course we lost the house, cars toys etc. as the real focus was on taking care of my daughter. Then a degenerative disk in my back hit while I was working out and I got hurt with a herniated disk, and it was all too much I had to cut back on my vitamins, protein shakes, bike rides, surfing etc. I do believe that we can only take so much then the PILLARS start to crumble. This is what I call the viscous downward cycle as when in serious PAIN (You need to eat to take pain meds, only to sit and vegetate in a chair....then try and rehabilitate slowly to get batter) but you gain the weight back get hurt again and take more pain pills, alcohol etc. On the bright side of things I have also learned that the Cycle can be reversed ! You have to feed your body Good Nutrition in order for it to heal. Once my daughter was in remission from cancer and I found decent employment again I am slowly getting back on track, I have a ways to go I won't lie but I am what they call healthy fat (No Medications or Physical Problems) just need good old diet and exercise to lower my body fat. I am thank for there is a place like this to Vent and Humbly ask for help. One thing is for sure I will never look at a over weight person again and think (what a fat lazy slob, who just does not want to take care of them selves). Now I realize everyone's story is different no one wants to be over weight, feel bad and just plain be unhealthy. Only You can change your situation. One Step At a TIME.