In desperate need of help

I need help losing weight and help keeping on track! Feel free to add me!! Thank you


  • paulawriteslove
    paulawriteslove Posts: 195 Member
    Hello! Try to focus on one meal at a time :) You got this!!!!
  • xdesertfairy
    xdesertfairy Posts: 59 Member
    edited June 2017
    @paulawriteslove I always do good until night hits and for some reason all I can think about is food lol
  • xdesertfairy
    xdesertfairy Posts: 59 Member
    @31shines right!! Especially when I try to make myself sleep but I can't sleep so I eat lmfao
  • xdesertfairy
    xdesertfairy Posts: 59 Member
    @31shines what kind of popcorn do you eat?
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    i save about 100 or so calories for each night just in case. If i get hungry I will have a piece of fruit. If i dont, i lost another 100 calories towards my goal.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    I eat carrots or sugar snap peas and hummus. That always satisfies my late night cravings
  • xdesertfairy
    xdesertfairy Posts: 59 Member
    @Poisonedpawn78 that's actually a smart idea! Thanks for that I'll keep that in mind!!
  • xdesertfairy
    xdesertfairy Posts: 59 Member
    @31shines I don't like popcorn a lot but I'm gonna try it cus I need to lose this weight lol
  • xdesertfairy
    xdesertfairy Posts: 59 Member
    @vsecret921 mmmm sugar snap peas I've never had those! I'll defiantly try those!! Thank you :)
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    @vsecret921 mmmm sugar snap peas I've never had those! I'll defiantly try those!! Thank you :)

    They're super yummy! I'm not one for veggies but they're sweet and crunchy. They take the place of chips for me :)

  • aimeerosefaulkner92
    aimeerosefaulkner92 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm like this I can go all day but night is hard ... I've recently started going for a walk in the evening to clear my head and as an added boost of being active then having a large glass of water when I get back I find that helps to satisfy then I'm usually tired enough to fall asleep so don't think about it aha
  • MZC386
    MZC386 Posts: 21 Member
    What I do isn't as satisfying as what the others do but it works for me. I drink a lot of water, to the point where I actually feel full. I work overnights so I'm up all night without eating, just water.
  • SeriousCat
    SeriousCat Posts: 6 Member
    I always do good until night hits and for some reason all I can think about is food lol

    Try looking into keto. Really effective way to lose weight while still feeling full the whole time :)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    @31shines I don't like popcorn a lot but I'm gonna try it cus I need to lose this weight lol

    Don't waste any calories on things you don't love to eat. :)
  • Nbaker0909
    Nbaker0909 Posts: 102 Member
    I have school of decaf green tea with 1 sweetener. It's sweet enough to curb my craving and feels like a treat. It's my late night me time when o just sit and enjoy my tea- nothing else going on except relaxing.
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    I sometimes have a bad habit of not eating a whole lot during the day and eat too much at night. How many calories are you taking in daily? You can add me and I can give you some more insight.
  • Lesgamble
    Lesgamble Posts: 14 Member
    I always do good until night hits and for some reason all I can think about is food lol
    Do you eat your tea in front of the television/IPad, or read while eating? If so, try doing nothing but eating while your eating, and consciously chew your food more. It is very easy to not mentally register a meal if you are tuneed into the telly rather than the act of eating.
    Good luck with your journey!