My first time at the gym was a disaster



  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,651 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    I'm an overweight lady in my early twenties. I need to lose approximately 6 stone to become a healthy weight. So I finally signed up to a gym yesterday for the first time, and was told to come in today for my induction. However, I was that desperate to start that I went straight there yesterday evening without having my induction. I was petrified walking in seeing loads of people (all young men) on the treadmills, so I ran for the thing which was furthest away from everyone, the cross trainer. I jumped straight on it, no stretches or warm up, put it on full blast for 20 minutes and went for it. It was the worst idea of my life.

    I was panting and shaking/wobbling after only 5 minutes, but didn't get off it because I was too embarrassed at the thought of people seeing how much of a failure I was. When the timer finally bleeped, I jumped off it and had never been happier to be away from something in my entire life. My legs were shaking like mad, I couldn't walk, I felt dehydrated, lightheaded, dizzy and like I was about to vomit.

    I am now petrified about going there again, and am really angry at myself for not listening to the gym staff telling me to wait for my induction. My induction is at 2pm today, how do I stop what happened yesterday evening happening today? As that dizzy and nauseating feeling was just indescribable :(

    Thank you.

    The same thing won't happen tonight OP, you will know not to do such a thing.

    Go to your induction, they will not have you doing that, for that long and once you have had your induction you will know exactly what to do during future training sessions.

    Enjoy your induction :flowerforyou:
  • jennz81
    jennz81 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm a pretty big girl myself, and I can tell you right now that I was incredibly intimidated by working out in front of other people. But I found out really quick that a majority of the people there really don't care about who's where and what's what - they're mostly focused on what they're doing at the time.

    Granted, I still get nervous about other people, but the one thing I try to keep in mind is how fantastic I'll feel after my workout. :) Other than that, I worry about me, and only me.

    Hopefully this helps you. :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I hate the gym!!
    I do it all on my own.
  • nyqueensguy
    nyqueensguy Posts: 100 Member
    You did great!!! Now go do it every day till it gets easier!!!!! focus on getting proper nutrition. Not all calories are the same. Drink water, water, water! And most important, don't give up. Congrats on sticking out your workout. You are a strong person!
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    First of all WOW you managed 20 mins on a cross trainer which I still cant to and massive plus that you trying to lose the weight.

    Does sound like you have pushed yourself a bit too far and too quick. The instructors wont expect you to be able to do that much and will start you gently and you will build up over time.

    Most of us to get that feeling after a heavy training session - just drink plenty and make sure you are eating enough.

    Dont be concerned about others watching you - we all have our own routines in the gym - I only do 5 -7 mins cool down on some machines while others may use them for 30 mins.

    Keep it up and good luck.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    My first day I did 5 minutes on a bike, 5 minutes on a rower, and then I went home. Knowing that those 10 minutes were 10 minutes more than I would have done if I hadn't gone at all. Within a week I was up to 45 minutes, and now I tend to do about 90 minutes between weights and elliptical/cycling or I go swimming.

    So much this^^!! I could only do about 8 minutes on two machines. I joined because I got into a class where they showed us how to use everything, then we worked at getting up to 30 minutes total, which I did. Now, three months later, I am doing a total of 60 minutes on four different machines (my knee hurts too much if I spend too much time on one machine, it does pretty well with doing the different ones). Which includes the elliptical, which was horrid - 2 minutes to start! Go to the induction, and learn how to do things properly, and just keep going, you'll be glad you did!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Oh man I've been working out for 6 months and I still won't do the cross trainer... not for me! The times I tried I did it for 5 minutes and just said forget it and went to the treadmill...
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    It was leg day for me and i'm still wobly lol. Hit the SQUAT rack so there you go. Everyone gets wobbly, feels like crap. That means you got a good workout. It will get easier I promise.
  • CapnGordo
    CapnGordo Posts: 327
    Pro Tip

    Do some jumping jacks to warm-up in the locker room or parking lot when no one is around. This prevents sudden fart urges later, when it may be painfully obvious that you are the offender. Best to air them out beforehand where no one is around.

    Over time, your sphincter will grow in strength, and you'll be able to hold them in until you can walk through the cardio area, and quietly crop dust all of those mothers.

    Good luck on your gym journey!
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    I'm an overweight lady in my early twenties. I need to lose approximately 6 stone to become a healthy weight. So I finally signed up to a gym yesterday for the first time, and was told to come in today for my induction. However, I was that desperate to start that I went straight there yesterday evening without having my induction. I was petrified walking in seeing loads of people (all young men) on the treadmills, so I ran for the thing which was furthest away from everyone, the cross trainer. I jumped straight on it, no stretches or warm up, put it on full blast for 20 minutes and went for it. It was the worst idea of my life.

    I was panting and shaking/wobbling after only 5 minutes, but didn't get off it because I was too embarrassed at the thought of people seeing how much of a failure I was. When the timer finally bleeped, I jumped off it and had never been happier to be away from something in my entire life. My legs were shaking like mad, I couldn't walk, I felt dehydrated, lightheaded, dizzy and like I was about to vomit.

    I am now petrified about going there again, and am really angry at myself for not listening to the gym staff telling me to wait for my induction. My induction is at 2pm today, how do I stop what happened yesterday evening happening today? As that dizzy and nauseating feeling was just indescribable :(

    Thank you.
    Great advice on here but I would like to add....if you feel intimidated, ask the staff what are the peak times and avoid them. I would go during the day or late at night. Most gyms tend to peak between 6am-8am and then again between 5pm-7pm.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    It's very important to start slow. It's tempting to start going as hard as you can, because you came here to lose weight, right? And no one wants to weight. You think if I work out harder, I will lose weight faster. That's not exactly the case. You have to get your body used to working out. It's best to start slow and work up to higher weights, longer times on the machines, etc. If you go to hard too soon, you may get injured. Then you'll just be sitting on the sidelines making no progress. Slow and steady progress is the best, most sustainable way to lose weight. Start with shorter workouts, maybe only 30 minutes, and work your way up to a full hour at your gym. Start with only 10 minutes on the machienes, and don't turn it up all the way either. As you've already experienced, that just poops you out. You want to build endurance when you work out, that takes time. Soon enough 10 minutes will be easy, then you can go for 15 minutes, then 20 minutes, continually increasing the resistance as you get better.

    Also don't be afraid to stop and ask questions. I see people at the gym all the time doing silly things, which is a great way to hurt yourself. If you don't know how to use a machine, have someone show you. You may consider getting 1-2 sessions with a personal trainer so they can show you the ropes. Once they have taught you the basics, you'll feel more comfortable going back on your own.

    Don't give up, just remember progress takes time and there is no quick, easy way to lose weight. It takes hard work over time. Get back in that gym and get to work! And remember, most of the people there are so concerned with what they are doing, they will hardly notice you. So don't worry about looking out of shape or being slower than others or anything like that, you are there working and that is what counts!
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    Quit worrying about people watching you so much. First of all, they probably aren't watching you and second even if they are, it's just a distraction from what they are doing because they are probably focusing on the task at hand. I know most people at the gym are actually trying to focus on themselves and for those that are not and are actually judging you, forget about it. Who cares. The important thing is you are there and you are there for yourself and your health. I do know how you feel, I always feel like people are judging me too and thinking that I don't belong there, but deep down I also know this is not true, I know they are probably not even noticing me at all. Do you care who is there and what they are doing? Are you judging them? Probably not, so they are probably not judging you either. We all have to start somewhere. Go to your induction, learn the machines, focus on you and smile. If anyone notices you at all, they will notice you are always smiling.