This Is All New For Me - from Maine

Hi. I'm not usually a joiner, but I'll give this a try. I was very thin for most of my life, but MENOPAUSE changed all that. I am now 26 lbs. over weight with borderline lipids and post heart surgery, so it is very important for me to lose this weight. Not an easy thing, since I always was able to eat whatever I wanted and never gained weight. Oh, and I'm addicted to sweets. Things are different now. So I am going cold turkey on the sweets because I can't just eat one bite or one piece. I am now learning to think about what I eat and consider the consequences.


  • JoanDoyleFit4192
    JoanDoyleFit4192 Posts: 16 Member
    Sorry to tell you but to be honest, I've lost most of my weight by cutting out Sweet's completely... I too was a sweet person and it was difficult but it's working. X
  • ruthhowellwriter
    ruthhowellwriter Posts: 20 Member
    Joan: Yes, my husband has finally convinced me that I must cut out all sweets, which I started doing this week - cold turkey. I am actually not finding it very difficult. I am having difficulty with my pasta cravings, however. I have found that this tracking program works so well and enables me to figure out how to work a pasta meal in without ruining the day. Tonight is pasta night. Yay!!!!
  • Sexybunny2
    Sexybunny2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys - I am 51 and I guess this is my group now :D . In a matter of 4 months I have put on 15 months and am completely bloated. I have the beginning signs of menopause which I am managing with essential oils and supplements but I can't get my weight to move. I am exercising 5 days a week for 1 hour and walking in the middle of the day. I have a tire around my middle and I don't know what to do to get the inflammation down. Any ideas? Suggestions? I am drinking water and exercising. Trying to eat low carb. Anything else??