Strength Knee exercises for overweight people



  • klaramarina
    klaramarina Posts: 43 Member
    I'm not a runner. I can't because of my knee issues but I speed walk and I can do about a 16 minute mile.

    I also have the hard Orthotics they do have a little cushion but they are like a hard composite material. I had them custom fitted for me by my rehab facility and I haven't had any blistering issues with them.

    One other point I don't know how long you had the Orthotics before they bothered your feet but I do know that they wear over time and they need to be fitted to the kind of shoe you're using.

    Feel free to drop me a note if you need any other information[/quote

    Maybe they are just old, and I gotta get new ones, and yes mine were custom fitted for me. Thanks a lot for your response
  • OldAssDude
    OldAssDude Posts: 1,436 Member
    edited June 2017
    I'll be 60 in August, and my knees get sore sometimes too. Not injured or anything, just sore and a little puffy sometimes. I worked my way up to running 5 miles so far.

    I recently started trail running, and that seems to help stregthen the muscles around the knees, hips, and ankles. On the days that I am sore from running the trails, I walk them as sort of a recovery. The trails I choose are very uneven and hilly. Some hills are steep enough that i feel like i have to grab onto something and pull myself up, but i don't. I let my legs do the work.

    Also, as others have mentioned, squats, lunges, and any leg strengthening exercise will help.

    Another important thing is good running shoes. Try a pair of support running shoes that will make the joint stress less. I just got a pair of Brooks Transcend 4's and they are great so far.

    I also power walk at about a 4.5 mph pace, and these shoes are great for that too.
  • klaramarina
    klaramarina Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you bcalvanese I am doing other exercise until my knee feels like before. Mostly swimming and elliptical. I think by next week I'll be doing the squats, lunges and any other strengthening exercise
  • bethany_rose8
    bethany_rose8 Posts: 102 Member
    You need to stop running. You need to strengthen your glutes and hamstrings to support your knee via strength training but don't do any squats, lunges etc. keep swimming and message me if you want specific exercises for your glutes and hamstrings. I have a client who has knee issues and she is making amazing progress.
  • klaramarina
    klaramarina Posts: 43 Member
    Yeah, do you have any links to those exercises?
    Thank you
  • klaramarina
    klaramarina Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, I started running a month ago and doing jog/walk from this I start jogging 35 min non-stop, then walk 4 min, then jog 25, then walk 2 min.
    I stretch for 20 min before and after, and been doing this routine twice a week with swimming and cardio at the gym for 3 other days.
    Now, after a month my knees can't keep it up, they don't hurt like crazy, but I feel like fatigued and tender in that area like they are week. I was around 182 maybe 185 a month ago, now I am 175 and decided to take two weeks from running so I can rest my knees, but Im still swimming and cardio at the gym for 40 min. I am still 40-50 pounds overweight, so my problem with my knees is probably most because of my weight, does anyone knows how to make them stronger, I love running, I really enjoy it

    I wanted to post an update after two weeks, I have not had the chance so far to start doing the strengthening exercises yet, but I have been swimming 1-2 times per week and 2-3 times per week the elliptical at the gym.
    Today it was cloudy an not hot outdoors, and I wanted to try running again. I went to the beach trail where the sand is a little harder and slow jog for 55 min non- stop for a length of 4.30 miles according to Map my Run app. At minute 30 I starting feeling my knees a little bit and at min 50 a little more, but wanted to finish the trail and also not being wet for too long since starting raining, but not that much. Once I finish I stretch for like 10 min same as I did before running. Now, I can't still believe that I went that long without stopping, and I said to myself that I would stop and start walking only if my knees starting hurting or my heart rate would go really high, well none of those happens only until the end. After, couple of hours later at home My knees don't hurt, but I can feel that I had exercise maybe they are a little tender, but nothing compared to what I had experience in the last month. Maybe my knees have rested, and I am a little lighter with 10 pounds less, also the weather was beneficial for running. Anyways, what I'll do is to run again in maybe two weeks and if I can to start doing the strengthening exercises and keep losing with the elliptical and swimming laps when I can, because I really love running and I will keep up until I am so heavy and I would not put much pressure on my beloved knees. Thanks for reading
  • klaramarina
    klaramarina Posts: 43 Member
    I meant until I am NOT so heavy, perhaps being close to my target weight