Wheat and diary free

I recently got diagnosed with wheat and diary intolerance. I am struggling with what to eat. I have tried a few wheat free pastas but couldn't eat any of them. I am not aloud wheat, eggs, milk or butter. I am trying to lose about a stone and tone up my stomach especially for a holiday in September. I train 4 times a week doing bodypump and spin classes. Can any one recommend a diet or any wheat free products that would help me.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited June 2017
    Weight loss simply comes down to a calorie deficit. There's plenty of food you can eat -
    Basing your meals around wholefoods and fresh produce will help.

    You could try planning meals around a protein, vegies, non-wheat grain (rice, quinoa) or starchy carb, a fat source (avo, nuts, oily fish, fatty Meats, oils). Whatever proportions suit your calorie goals.

    Non dairy yoghurt, fruit, nuts, protein powder. (or with non dairy milk, as a smoothie)
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,300 Member
    Being hit with the need to avoid foods if tough. I've been there. There are some very good sites on line which give a good outline of dairy/wheat free foods. I found rice milk very helpful, there are other nut and bean based milks available but they are not nutritionally equal to dairy, lacking many of the essential minerals and vitamins. There are a wide range of butter substitutes on the market using soy or other oils. Eggs is a sad one, they are so useful for many essential minerals and things I've not got an idea for them and if you rely on produced foods they are in so very many products you possibly do not expect them to be in. Gluten is not as simple as it might seem many grain mills do not separate wheat from oats so off the shelf oats can be compromised too. Increasingly there are different flours available in health food shops but the perform differently to wheat which makes baking more complicated.

    Wheat as bread has been a lynch pin of our western diet. It is possible to find wheat free breads. It is possible to find old flours like spelt which does not contain gluten. For many, gluten intolerance is a modern concern. For many it comes from the modern fast bread making practice which does not provide for long proving of the dough. Over night proving gives the gluten time to work itself out so it is not as dominant if not lost in the final loaf of bread. Long proving is not practical for many these days.

    Returning to the vitamin and minerals loss from abstaining from dairy and eggs, it is advisable to take a good vitamin and mineral supplement to prevent other impacts of a restricted diet.

    I'm casein intolerant (dairy protein not the sugar) additionally I've issues with salicylate a form of phenol and histamine intolerance both of which make many foods particularly fruits, vegetables impossible for me to eat. Histamine is more complicated and covers almost everything else. You may think mine is a cop out, I use a specific multy enzyme product which replaces the enzymes my body is not making or not making enough of. I can now have a regular diet, so much relief.
  • Kristi26
    Kristi26 Posts: 184 Member
    edited June 2017
    Try searching for paleo recipes. That will give you some great ones. I'm dairy free too. It's tough at first, but you adjust. Also, I really like the Minimalist Baker. She has some amazing recipes that are often gluten free in addition to being vegan which makes them dairy free (another search term I use to find recipes).