Healthy cheat day?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What diet has told you strawberries are bad? And why? I've heard the "bananas are bad" thing, but I know better. Think critically and look beyond diet dogma.

    Cohen diet. "Bad" fruits are bananas, figs, pears, watermelons, cherries, passion fruit and strawberries! *shakes her head*
    You seem to uderstand that this diet and its rules are ridiculous, yet you keep repeating the mantra. Do you believe it or don't you? And if you don't believe it and didn't like it, why are you still doing it?
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Make that chicken with mozzarella! Yum.

    Bread makes me gain like crazy. I wish it didn't! I've been brainwashed by a diet program (that didn't count calories) that categorizes fruits into "good fruits" and "bad fruits". Strawberries and bananas fall under "bad fruits" So to me, it's a luxury! And I could only have 1 bad fruit a day, or none at all. Apples are limited to two times a day too, unless you've had a bad fruit then just one.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Ang108, this would be a "healthy" cheat day for ME! Others have extra protein, I want extra carbs! Lol

    rml_16, wuhooo! Good for you. I wish my body processed fruit the same way. Maybe it does! I shall give it a try one of these days.

    LolBroScience, You know, I really don't. This is why I'm here! To learn.
    Are you diabetic?

    Your posts are contradictory and don't make a lot of sense. Eat the freaking fruit.

    And don't boil chicken.
    If you don't have a serious health problem, this. I eat a ton of fruit and fat and on exercise days my carbs usually go through the roof and none of it has harmed me yet, nor can I think of a reason it would.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I seriously had to research this diet. But the fact it's called a 'diet' to begin with fills me with dread.

    Have you been following the 900 calorie rapid weight-loss portion? And for how many months?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I seriously had to research this diet. But the fact it's called a 'diet' to begin with fills me with dread.

    Have you been following the 900 calorie rapid weight-loss portion? And for how many months?
    freakin' yikes I eat over double that.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    "Bad" fruits? Salmon? BOILED CHICKEN?!??!

    "Cheat day"

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Make that chicken with mozzarella! Yum.

    Bread makes me gain like crazy. I wish it didn't! I've been brainwashed by a diet program (that didn't count calories) that categorizes fruits into "good fruits" and "bad fruits". Strawberries and bananas fall under "bad fruits" So to me, it's a luxury! And I could only have 1 bad fruit a day, or none at all. Apples are limited to two times a day too, unless you've had a bad fruit then just one.

    You just said you've been brainwashed... Brainwashing is bad. So don't follow what it tells you...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    "Bad" fruits? Salmon? BOILED CHICKEN?!??!

    "Cheat day"


    Maybe she normally eats air.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    'All you need to do is follow it to the letter, make no excuses and stick with the program.'

    Holy hell. This is the beginning of an eating disorder if I ever saw one. No variation. No wiggle-room. No room for 'excuses' or else the 'program' won't work. Somehow feels robotic. I agree with SoDamnHungry. Brainwashing at its finest.

    'The diet program was created for long term commitment. Therefore, this is the primary reason why the goal of daily calorie consumption is between 1500 to 1700.'

    Have you increase your calories over time?

    $250 for the initial test and 12 weeks of meal plan. And then what? You either have to pay more or you're on your own?
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    WTF!! am so confused by this thread, bad fruit? Healthy Cheat day?

    Kinda makes me think of walking into a porn store to buy a bible.
  • quiltngrandma45
    quiltngrandma45 Posts: 16 Member
    :happy: If strawberries and bananas are bad fruit then what are the good ones. Thanks
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    The only way you will fix this is by biting the banana bullet and PROVING to yourself that carbs can't make you fat unless you run a surplus.

    If you want to do something "special" with carbs that actually makes a difference, switch to eating them all at night. Seriously improves sleep.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    No, I am not diabetic and no, I don't eat air normally. That's what I wanted when I started the thread! Fine, make that a breaded chicken breast with tomato sauce with... potato chips?

    I follow it because it worked for me. I know you guys think it's bull, I do too sometimes, okay most but I've heard so much negative stories about people who did the program and gained it all back so I'm being cautious. This is why I'm here guys, to learn from healthier people who are living normal lives without depriving themselves because I don't want to think like that anymore. I'm sorry if my healthy cheat day is boring. That's why I'm asking you guys what your favorite healthy cheat meals are! I admit, I really am new to this whole maintaining thing.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    WTF!! am so confused by this thread, bad fruit? Healthy Cheat day?

    Kinda makes me think of walking into a porn store to buy a bible.

  • Turtle003
    Turtle003 Posts: 133 Member
    My cheat days consist of higher fat foods that I normally wouldnt eat.

    Breakfast: Whole grain waffles wiht PB2 Peanut butter and sugar free syrup
    Lunch - Jimmy Johns Slim #4 - Turkey Breast
    Snacks - Baked Lays Chips and a light sour cream ranch dressing
    Dinner - Pizza :)

    I will bake a loaf of bread on my cheat day and have 1-2 slices...on my lower calorie days I eat only 45 calorie wheat bread.
    I was on Weight Watchers and loved the whole 0 points for fruits but I was then eating about 9 servings of fruit a day (strawberries and bananas mostly) and that was WAY TOO much! I am only on MFP now and limit my fruit to 3 servings a day now...I can see where too much of anyhitng is bad for you!
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    :happy: If strawberries and bananas are bad fruit then what are the good ones. Thanks

    If you really want to know... They're blackberries, lychees, mulberries, plums, gooseberries, rock melon, pineapple, blueberries, apples, apricots, grapefruits, hone dew melon, kiwi fruit, lemon, mandarin orange, mango, nectarine, king orange, papaya, milk fruit, peach, tangerine orange and pomelo.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    :happy: If strawberries and bananas are bad fruit then what are the good ones. Thanks

    If you really want to know... They're blackberries, lychees, mulberries, plums, gooseberries, rock melon, pineapple, blueberries, apples, apricots, grapefruits, hone dew melon, kiwi fruit, lemon, mandarin orange, mango, nectarine, king orange, papaya, milk fruit, peach, tangerine orange and pomelo.
    In a previous post, you said you couldn't have apples.

    And what makes apples good and pears bad? And pineapple is OK, but bananas and strawberries aren't?

    That is seriously arbitrary.
  • WanderingPomme
    WanderingPomme Posts: 601 Member
    My cheat days consist of higher fat foods that I normally wouldnt eat.

    Breakfast: Whole grain waffles wiht PB2 Peanut butter and sugar free syrup
    Lunch - Jimmy Johns Slim #4 - Turkey Breast
    Snacks - Baked Lays Chips and a light sour cream ranch dressing
    Dinner - Pizza :)

    I will bake a loaf of bread on my cheat day and have 1-2 slices...on my lower calorie days I eat only 45 calorie wheat bread.
    I was on Weight Watchers and loved the whole 0 points for fruits but I was then eating about 9 servings of fruit a day (strawberries and bananas mostly) and that was WAY TOO much! I am only on MFP now and limit my fruit to 3 servings a day now...I can see where too much of anyhitng is bad for you!

    Oooooh whole grain waffles!! Must try that. Whoaaa 9 servings! Lol that is a lot! 3 seems reasonable! That is true. Too much of something is bad!
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    No, I am not diabetic and no, I don't eat air normally. That's what I wanted when I started the thread! Fine, make that a breaded chicken breast with tomato sauce with... potato chips?

    I follow it because it worked for me. I know you guys think it's bull, I do too sometimes, okay most but I've heard so much negative stories about people who did the program and gained it all back so I'm being cautious. This is why I'm here guys, to learn from healthier people who are living normal lives without depriving themselves because I don't want to think like that anymore. I'm sorry if my healthy cheat day is boring. That's why I'm asking you guys what your favorite healthy cheat meals are! I admit, I really am new to this whole maintaining thing.

    Well here is a tip that might help with the boring food!

    Water boils at 100C. At 100c, the environment is hot enough to sort of twist and compress the proteins in your chicken breast, which forces moisture out and makes it stringy.

    If you are going to eat plain chicken breast, you can make the experience much better by never letting the cooking temp go above 90 C (use google to convert to F if you need to). Use a good temp probe to stop cooking it just before it hits an internal temp of 65C. The texture and natural flavors of the meat will now shine through and you will look forward to eating it.

    The same applies to eggs. 100C is too hot to get a perfect "boiled" egg. However for pork and beef, you can go even lower (I cook roasts at about 70C.

    If you want a sear or to brown your meat, it can be done at the very end. I just use a blowtorch.

    So where can you find these low cooking temps? Your oven! Unfortunately American ovens sometimes bottom out at 250F, but if it has a "keep warm" setting, it's probably about 170F, which is a decent temp for beef cooking.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I have felt a desire to eat many, many bananas and eggs in one day, but I think that was a symptom of period cravings. I think I only actually had three of each, though. Mmm, potassium and iron.