❤ i'm back. ❤


hello all~

my name's nicole & i'm trying to get back into my fitness routine thing.

i fell off the wagon (HARD, like i'm bruised...my ego is, anyway :'D ) & i'd just like to see some motivating / active people on my timeline. c: preferably similar to me, but anyone who's encouraging is welcome.

a little more about me : i set a "small: goal of losing 40 pounds before my next vacation this year. i have PCOS, & struggle with a lot of symptoms on a daily basis--so i'm hoping that my becoming more active will help lessen them. i currently work in IT, so i'm on my butt 99% of the day, which definitely needs to change.

other stuff : i'm a geek. i love cosplaying and playing games and all that cool stuff. i go to cons twice per year. i'm always super addicted to animal crossing over the summers. i have a tumblr & it's not fitness-related but i follow people back (tokyoyoyo). i'm hoping to launch a web comic soon. uhmmmmmm that's it for now, i guess! so anyhoos.

talk to me! c: let me know your goals & stuff. i wanna encourage others, too!
