What are some good/healthy/low macros snacks?

Looking for snacks so I won't be too hungry between my meals


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    How about attacking this differently?

    If you are so hungry that it bothers you, you may have to up your calories. If you lower your weight loss rate, you'll get more calories and still lose. You will lose slower, but more steadily, and increase your ability to keep it off afterwards.

    If you choose your calories wisely, you will feel fuller. A balanced, varied diet that is filled with nutrition, will satiate you. You may be a volume eater - in that case, look for vegetables, fiber, or you may not be a volume eater - look for foods that provide plenty of fat and protein. A good mix of all nutrients is generally best.

    If you eat proper meals, you won't need snacks. But you can snack if you want to. Healthy snacks are made up of the same foods that make up healthy meals.

    You can also reframe how you think about hunger. Hunger isn't dangerous. Hunger is a reminder to eat. We need food. So hunger is good. You may have read a lot about how evil hunger is, and that it should be avoided at all costs. Try not to be taken in by the diet industry's and food manufacturers' propaganda. They want to sell you something. Be strong. Think for yourself. You are not supposed to starve yourself. When you eat less to lose weight, your body eats from your fat stores along with what you take in from day to day, and your body is designed to do just that. It does that every night when you arent eating because you are sleeping. You are doing fine.

    "Low macro" is confusing. You don't have to count macros if you don't want to or have no good reason for it, and you normally don't have to if you just eat a balanced and varied diet. Medical issues and athletic performance are good reasons to count macros.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What's a low macro snack? Water?