Binge Eating Disorder: Need of Friends and Advice

Hey there,
When I began MFP I began losing weight. I got down to 140lbs. I only had 10 more to go before I hit my goal weight. But, after moving to a new city, I felt lonely. It was my first year of college and I didn't have friends there. All I had were my friends and my home, but since that left I got into a horrible binge eating cycle. I got too depressed to go and purge. Now I am nearing 170lbs. Yikes.
None of my clothes fit now which stresses me out and makes me not want to leave the apartment. I feel fat and ugly. But, despite all these problems I want to lose this damn weight. I hate that I let these last three months turn into a nightmare. I want to be able to not be concious about my weight. I want my clothes to fit. I wanna be healthy for a college student.
So, I need a few things in order to actually go through with this final journey.
1) Support/Friends on here to chat with and can keep urging me on. In real life I don't have anyone yet so it'd be nice to connect with people on here while I try to make friends in real life
2)Advice on how to prevent myself from eating junk food and binging on it. Ideas for distractions.
3) Advice on how to be confident about myself. I am not the person I used to be but still want to be able to speak up and be heard
-For body height and weight stuff I am 5'6 inches and 170 (I go from 160-170 depending on the week) pounds. I want to be 120lbs like before but am satisfied if I get to 130lbs so that I fit into my favorite clothes again.
Goals that Motivate Me: -Favorite Clothes Again
-No more disorder
-Will be healthier
-Will be more confident

Thank you for reading, I know that this was quite long.


  • saskiavanson88
    saskiavanson88 Posts: 13 Member
    hey, i am struggling with the same issue. I dont have many friends, and i can go from not eating much at all to eating everything i want. I just need somebody to turn to when i feel like overeating. maybe we can help each other. you can add me if you like.
  • Graciegraves1989
    Graciegraves1989 Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to message me for encouragment! We're all in this together!
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    Feel free to add and/or message me. I have binged and purged my whole life and I'm finding myself healing from this as I stick with the MFP process and experiment with meal timing, macros etc.

    I can't believe I could be healing from food issues in such a short time but it seems like I am. Yet I'm sure I'm susceptible to going back to binge eating, so I'd love to trade support with anyone here.
  • hltc13084
    hltc13084 Posts: 27 Member
    I am a stress eater for sure. I'm sorry you are feeling bad about yourself. I was 137 and have allowed myself to get to 210. I had a baby a while back and have been focusing on taking care of him instead of myself.

    It IS hard to have confidence when you feel like you don't look like yourself in photos and you can't wear the things you like. I struggle with this all the time.

    I have lost weight before and I realized that you have to stop obsessing over the weight and just focus on the healthful part. Being healthy involves diet, fitness, but also self care. I have a feeling that if you might not be doing things like getting your hair or nails ect like you used to because you're upset with yourself. Just remember you are still worth the love and care you used to show yourself even though you have a bigger body now.

    Just because your body is bigger doesn't mean you aren't beautiful.

    Go shopping get some pretty things that fit. Go to a store, find a sales lady, tell her what's going on and ask her to help bring you somethings, tell her how much you want to spend. Dont look at the sizes she brings you and just focus on how the clothes make you feel.

    You can do this.
  • bellabella1983
    bellabella1983 Posts: 62 Member
    Add me
  • tiklwhskr
    tiklwhskr Posts: 1 Member
    My first suggestion is to make sure that there's nothing medically wrong. After I had my daughter, my weight shot up and just kept increasing. I kept telling my doctor that something was wrong, but he didn't believe me. Finally, when I had to have knee surgery - in part because of my weight of 236.5 lb.s - I demanded that he do a full thyroid panel. The doctor called me himself to say that he owed me an apology and that I needed to get to his office immediately to get started on meds. My labs were so off the chart that I was at risk of a myxadema coma. After starting on Synthroid, I lost 100 lbs. and kept it off for years. Then, in a time of stress, my weight started piling back on and I went to 4 different doctors before I found one that checked my labs properly, and then changed my thyroid meds and started me on vitamins B12 and D (both of which need to be optimal for weight loss) and both of which were almost non-existent. Once I got everything corrected, I'm now able to lose weight again. I'm also taking a medication for binge-eating disorder called Vyvanse which has virtually eliminated binge eating for me and given me the energy that I was lacking.