What's your goals people ?

darylthomas1985 Posts: 9 Member


  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    For health and fitness? If so:
    - to develop better habits
    - lose a bit of fat
    - recognize accountability for my diet and exercise choices and how my choices affect my goals
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    I want to get within 300-400 lbs of my 3 lift total in powerlifting in HS & to hit the same weight I was when I weighed in for football season my freshman year.
    The weight goal I can do, it will take me a couple of years to do, but I'm not sure about the lifting goal with my old azz shoulders, knees & back.
  • deemidd
    deemidd Posts: 8 Member
    Reach my goal weight of 190 and reevaluate from there.