Hello All! I am looking to lose 50 pounds by my birthday (December 24)

I've been lingering around for awhile, and im so impressed with the community. You all are wonderful people and I am so happy to have found this.

Over the past 4 years, I have ballooned! I gained 60 pounds from stress from university, work and my first ever relationship. My first boyfriend of 3 years and I broke up almost a month ago, and I have been using all that angry energy into exercising. It was very difficult, and most of the time I'd find myself crying while running ( This sounds so depressing ._.). I am determined to lose as much weight as possible by August ( I`ll be starting my first real career job) and then aiming to be fit by my 23rd birthday in December.

Age: 22 Gender: Female Height: 5'5 SW: 202.3 (This was December 2016) CW: 190.1 GW: 140

I am currently home all summer so I have a lot of free time. In the basement, we've got an ellipt
ical, treadmill, bike machine and a large weights machine. I usually work out when everyone is asleep (at around 12am - 1am) for about 1-2 hours depending on how I feel.

Currently, I am using the C25k app by zenlabs. It is my 6th day of continuously running in a row and I am starting at Week 4 Day 1. I have repeated this about 2-3 times now since I still run out of breath. but I aim to finish the app!
Aside from running, I do 15/20 situp, 50 jumping jacks, 5 burpees, knee-high kicks. I also do 2 sets of 10 at 50 pounds for upper body chest press. If I get the chance, I`ll walk outside for around 30-40 minutes as well.

Diet: I usually don't have an appetite because I feel horrible. I skip breakfast and lunch, then aim to eat a nutritious dinner meal with rice, chicken and salad. I`ll snack on a few almonds and walnuts if I get really hungry before dinner. I'm also eating vitamin pills! I drink anywhere from 6-8 cups of water per day.

So, do you have any recommendations or suggestions? Am I doing this right? I have a MFP account, and I started recording some food + exercises on there. I think I eat about 1200 calories, but I know I need to work on this and drill down the exact calories I need and all of that.
Thanks in advance!


  • ZobiaaaQ
    ZobiaaaQ Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for your response! Unfortunately, I don't have a food scale. Considering on getting one...hmmm. You're right i need to make sure I am eating 1200 calories.

    & yes. I really want to do this for my own health and to prove him wrong with all the awful things he said to me. I can do it, and i've been doing it. Hoping to see progress soon! it is his loss :smiley:
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    In my experience, skipping meals completely wrecked my metabolism. I wouldn't advise it. Vitamin pills aren't all alike and in some cases you're just making expensive pee. I would try and eat more throughout the day, break it up into small meals if that suits you better (I've known some people who have six small meals a day that works for them).
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    ZobiaaaQ wrote: »
    Thank you for your response! Unfortunately, I don't have a food scale. Considering on getting one...hmmm. You're right i need to make sure I am eating 1200 calories.

    & yes. I really want to do this for my own health and to prove him wrong with all the awful things he said to me. I can do it, and i've been doing it. Hoping to see progress soon! it is his loss :smiley:

    Here's a different thought, one that can work with or without a food scale: Monitor your body weight and, for now, make sure you don't lose more than an average of 1.5 pounds per week. That would be a reasonably healthy loss rate at your current weight.

    When you hit 25 or so pounds above goal, reduce the average loss rate to 1 pound a week. At 10-15 pounds above goal, reduce the rate to 0.5 pounds per week.

    This approach can be difficult for someone who tends to overeat, but since you're having difficulty eating enough right now, it might work well for you. As a plus, it'll help you reach goal in glowing good health. That'll show 'em!
  • RaJaHu
    RaJaHu Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello ZobiaaaQ!

    First, I'd like to say I'm really sorry to hear that about your ex. People can be so immature sometimes and say the most hurtful things out of spite. But as they say, living a good life is the best revenge—so live a good life and show him what's up. :wink:

    At my heaviest, I weighed 215 pounds. Calorie counting helped me lose 62 pounds. And I honestly have to say, I couldn't've done it without a kitchen scale. You might be shocked at how many calories are actually in your food if you measure them out, or how off your portions are (I used to eat three servings of ice cream in a sitting!). It certainly is possible to lose weight without one, but I'd argue that dieting without two scales—one for the kitchen, and one for the bathroom—is like trying to do cardio without access to a conventional gym or a home gym. Sure, you can jog or run around your neighborhood, but some factors (inclement weather, temperature extremes, sketchy neighborhoods, etc.) make that more difficult for some people. Monitor your weight; if you're ever unhappy with your progress or start plateauing, get a kitchen scale!

    My personal experience with eating 1200 calories a day (which I did towards the end of my first calorie counting stint, to keep losing weight at the same rate) is that it's very hard to do without eating almost nothing but vegetables/fruits and lean meats. I don't experience strong hunger pangs, but I really do like being able to enjoy something like a small dish of ice cream or a bit of brownie from time to time, and there's virtually no wiggle room for indulgence on a 1200 calorie diet without cutting back on nutritional food to accommodate it (which is far from ideal!). If you enjoy dairy, products made from grains, desserts, etc. then it will be hard to stay under 1200 without either a) eating microscopic portions, or b) skipping a meal to eat junk.

    I'd suggest checking out a TDEE Calculator. With your stats (5'5" woman, 190lbs, light exercise to moderate exercise), you could eat nearly 1700-2000 calories a day and still be at a ~500 calorie deficit, which is an excellent rate for weight loss. I personally am aiming for under 1500-1600 a day for maintenance, which is my sweet spot: I don't feel like I'm punishing myself, I have a little bit of wiggle room to actually enjoy my food. If 1200 calories works for you, though, more power to you!

    Well, that's my $0.02. Good luck with everything!
  • ZobiaaaQ
    ZobiaaaQ Posts: 5 Member
    Hello RaJaHu,

    Thank you so much for your response. I really hope to live a good life & kick him in the *kitten* haha!

    How long did it take you to drop those 62 pounds? what were you consuming to shed the weight? I hope to buy a kitchen scale as soon as I can fix my diet (or afford a good one).

    I usually think 1200 is a lot for me on day's that I stay in since it is my summer vacation. I try to hit 1000-1200 then burn about 200/300 by cardio or HIIT. I get very hungry but i drink water to deter the hunger.

    I visited the site, and I love it. I am actually exercising moderately (5-6 times a week) ... The site recommended that I do 2501 calories a day! No idea how I'll be able to consume that much especially without an appetite.