I know it's "just a pound" but.....

Hi all! I had hit a 9 lb weight loss and was stoked. I made the mistake of weighing every day and I now think the 9 lb loss was a fluke. Regained a lb and can't get it to leave the party no matter what I do. I am staying at my 1200 calories, not over or under by much. Not exercising enough...that could be it. I am drinking a lot but will try to increase. It's frustrating when you want to see the scale go DOWN not UP. Just had to vent to a group that gets it! Thanks!!! Have a great day!


  • irivas1
    irivas1 Posts: 35 Member
    Me too. :sad: I would like to hear from someone who is further on in their journey and have gone through this. :ohwell:
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Early losses involve a lot of water weight. When you start eating at a deficit, you burn through your glycogen stores, which are bonded to water. With the glycogen gone, the water is released. This causes an apparent large initial gain. The 9 lbs loss is unlikely to happen again. Without having access to your diary, I can't give specific advice. You might be eating too much salt, and retaining water. You might be eating more than you think you are. Are you weighing everything you eat on a scale? It is very easy to underestimate what you eat and not be able to lose. If you just started exercising, you might be retaining extra water as a result of the exercise. It is common to retain water and glycogen at muscles following the beginning of a workout routine that can take several weeks to fall off. Open your diaries, and the MFP community will be more help.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    How long haven't you lost for? It can take time to lose weight. If it's just a couple of weeks, keep going. Everyone stalls for a week or two at some point. If it's been longer, try adding in some exercise and see what happens. I've been through a couple of plateaus, going through one right now - haven't lost for the last 2 months - gotta not let it put you off.

    I also don't think weighing everyday is a mistake. I weigh everyday to keep track of fluctuations. Just track it all and make sure that over time you're losing.
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    I weigh myself more than I should, (sometimes twice a day) and my weight is constantly up and down by a lb or so. I just remind myself to keep going in the right direction and the hard work will eventually show. Keep your head up!
  • AprilMae1975
    AprilMae1975 Posts: 726
    I have been going through the same thing....I have actually been stuck with the same 2 pound weight loss/gain. I decided that I am hiding the scale for a month!! I am seeing changes in the way my clothes fit so I know something is changing.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    More information: How quickly did you lose the 9lbs? How long has it been since you gained the 1 lb back?
  • RabbiBeth
    RabbiBeth Posts: 37 Member
    Hi All! Thanks for your replies!! Really appreciate it.

    i am probably being a bit impatient. The re-gain/stall has only been 3-4 days. The initial 9 lb loss took about 2 weeks....and that is a lot to lose in two weeks, I realize, so I should just appreciate that and not get crazy!

    I have a bad habit of letting the scale dictate my thoughts on the weight loss journey....and I know better! The overall trends over the course of weeks (months, etc....) are what matter the most.

    I am currently mostly off dairy and all animal products. Trying to eat "close to the ground" so to speak - very few processed goods except for an occasional "Vita-Top" muffin at night as a sweet - which I know is artificial and not ideal, but I love that it has 10g fiber and 100 calories. Aside from that, I am eating "whole foods" for sure - heavy on fruits and veggies, carefully measured amounts of seeds/almond butter, carefully measured amounts of heartier plant based items like sweet potato, etc.

    I will eventually bring back in Greek yogurt and fish but for now am keeping it largely plant based as an experiment. Also, part of my motivation is that I am going away for 5 day to "grown up camp" (LOL!). The program is all juicing (fruit and veg) and vegan whole foods....it's a "Reboot Camp" with Joe Cross, the man from the film "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." I am excited. The program is not far from my home region, and I am giving this treat to myself. There will be yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, nature walks, classes on holistic wellness issues....it's a five day experience. I am hoping to use it as a time for some quiet away from my normally hectic, overprogrammed life with a chance to really eat/drink well and perhaps drop a couple lbs. When I get back, I will carefully transition back into dairy, fish, etc.

    Well, this got long-winded! : ) Thanks for reading! It's fun to be online here with you all!!
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Your camp sounds like so much fun! I hope you have a blast and get a lot of good motivation and information from it.

    It's very difficult to stay positive when you see the scale/measurements not doing what you want them to do, but just be patient. That (for me) is certainly the hardest part of getting healthy- being patient to see the results.

    9 lbs in 2 weeks is huge and you only gained 1 lb back?! I think that is a great accomplishment.

    Keep up the excellent work.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Hi All! Thanks for your replies!! Really appreciate it.

    i am probably being a bit impatient. The re-gain/stall has only been 3-4 days. The initial 9 lb loss took about 2 weeks....and that is a lot to lose in two weeks, I realize, so I should just appreciate that and not get crazy!

    Definitely being impatient. The inital 9 lbs is probably due in large part to burning through your glycogen stores and dropping water weight. If you've only been stalled for a few days, then the 1 lbs gain is likely due to normal fluctuations in body weight (retained water, biomass in digestive system, etc.) that can vary by upwards of five pounds over the course of a day. Don't expect to keep seeing huge losses in short periods of time. Burning fat is going to take more time. You need to be patient.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    Sounds like you know what you're doing now. Just to say have fun at the camp, good luck in the rest of your diet!