I believe my cal count is too high! 1600!



  • Fitfromfat17
    Fitfromfat17 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm currently doing 1200 a day, have for 60 days and I've lost 6.8 kg so far. I don't find it hard at all. It's not for everyone's but works for me right now. Once I lose a bit more I hope to go upto to 1400-1500 as get more fit.
  • lolispopi
    lolispopi Posts: 9 Member
    You're good, I'm 5'2 and eat around 2000 calories a day. I am slightly active some days and sedentary others. Just focus on whole foods that will keep you satisfied for long because the amount of calories your body takes to digest food depend greatly on the quality being consumed.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    You're good...I know it's hard to trust the numbers, but test it and you'll see it's ok. I'm 5'2 129lb and eat well over that most days (1700-2000) and still lose considerably...yes I am active, but at the end of the day the numbers don't lie.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited June 2017
    I lose on 2300. That's more than MFP gives me (but consistent with my planned rate of weight loss and Fitbit burns).

    Your calorie goal will depend very much on your stats - height, weight and activity level most of all; age and gender a bit. At 250 pounds, you can most certainly lose weight eating more than 1200. 1200 is for short, light women who are not particularly active (and/or have a medical condition like hypothyroidism that affects their base metabolic rate).
  • datbrittish
    datbrittish Posts: 14 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Wow!!! I feel special so many people gave me incite!! Thanks guys!! :)

    Okay so I weight 251 I'm 5'5 and I work out at least 5 days a week. I try to do a min of 30 mins cardio some form of weights and the sauna. I'm studying for the bar exam so I only have about 1hr 1.5hr max in the gym. My goal weight is to get back to 170-160.

    With your current weight and height, I'm confident that you can trust the MFP numbers. Remember that you get to eat the exercise calories too! Although they tend to be inflated for many people, so start with 50-75% for now, particularly if you are otherwise sedentary. Give that 4-6 weeks (it takes time to develop a trend when monitoring your weight) and then adjust up or down depending on your results. I would also recommend a weight trending app, Trendweight, Libra, Happyscale (I think), so you can watch the trend over time, rather than get caught up in fluctuations. Best of luck on the bar!

    This is perfect!!! Thanks so much for the advice! I'll definitely check out those apps. Anything to keep me going. I finally hit my breaking point and I have to get this weight off. Law school just took me thought a rough unhealthy patch in life. I can't wait to post an update!!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Wow!!! I feel special so many people gave me incite!! Thanks guys!! :)

    Okay so I weight 251 I'm 5'5 and I work out at least 5 days a week. I try to do a min of 30 mins cardio some form of weights and the sauna. I'm studying for the bar exam so I only have about 1hr 1.5hr max in the gym. My goal weight is to get back to 170-160.

    With your current weight and height, I'm confident that you can trust the MFP numbers. Remember that you get to eat the exercise calories too! Although they tend to be inflated for many people, so start with 50-75% for now, particularly if you are otherwise sedentary. Give that 4-6 weeks (it takes time to develop a trend when monitoring your weight) and then adjust up or down depending on your results. I would also recommend a weight trending app, Trendweight, Libra, Happyscale (I think), so you can watch the trend over time, rather than get caught up in fluctuations. Best of luck on the bar!

    This is perfect!!! Thanks so much for the advice! I'll definitely check out those apps. Anything to keep me going. I finally hit my breaking point and I have to get this weight off. Law school just took me thought a rough unhealthy patch in life. I can't wait to post an update!!

    I understand. I'm heading into the final year of my first graduate degree, and it's been rough at times. There is plenty of information here, but I don't know how much more reading you are interested in adding to your plate. So I will recommend some inspirational stuff instead:

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited June 2017
    I lost 80 lbs never eating under 1650 calories (didn't eat exercise calories back though). Honestly I pretty much just ate 1700 the whole time, I was just more active as I went, so I maintained a deficit.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    edited June 2017
    Depending on how active I am I lose on 1600-1800 and that's a pretty aggressive deficit. I could easily lose on 2000 too.
  • carolbrady1
    carolbrady1 Posts: 38 Member
    My weight loss intake amount is 1840 calories - that gives me a deficit for roughly 0.75-1lb of loss weekly. Yep. Lots of food.

    Could I do it faster at less calories? Sure. But I don't want to so I'm not. I'd rather do this slow and steady and succeed long term and feel healthy while losing than try to lose it fast and yo yo back up.

    Agree completely. I've yo yo dieted since I was a teenager, now I'm 55 and the only way I lost weight properly was slowly and certainly not through starving myself! Exercise helps a lot though - it changes the way you see food, as a fuel rather than something to be scared of!

  • TheCalvinGaba
    TheCalvinGaba Posts: 12 Member
    1600 calories is not that much at all dependent on your calorie expenditure. and you said you only have 1hr - 1.5hr to work out. Thats plenty of time to get a good workout especially if you structure them properly. The right balance of macros and the 1hr - 1.5hr x 5 days of traning you currently doing should give you a nice controlled loss overtime.
  • grimmc603
    grimmc603 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, new to counting calories and if my BMR is 2100 and my calories is 1900, how will I lose 2 pounds a week? I burn 500-600 calories a day, 6 days a week. Would 1500 calories be better? I'm just trying to lose fat and stay away from burning muscle. I'm soo lost, HELP please!
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    How much do you need to lose? Two pounds a week is generally too aggressive unless you've got 75 lbs or more to goal.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    grimmc603 wrote: »
    Hello, new to counting calories and if my BMR is 2100 and my calories is 1900, how will I lose 2 pounds a week? I burn 500-600 calories a day, 6 days a week. Would 1500 calories be better? I'm just trying to lose fat and stay away from burning muscle. I'm soo lost, HELP please!

    You don't cut from your BMR to lose weight...BMR is the calories you burn merely existing on this planet. You also burn calories just going about your day to day and then finally, exercise.

    Just put your info into the calculator...it will calculate your target and do all the work for you...that's what the calculator does.
  • kristen8000
    kristen8000 Posts: 747 Member
    1600 isn't low. I can lose on 1640 and I only have 10lbs to lose.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    These were my calories for the past 12 days, averaging about 2000 calories. I have been more active lately so this averaged to a deficit of about 600 calories a day. My loss is as expected, about half a kilo (slightly over a pound) a week.


    Don't be afraid of calories. With time you will know how your weight loss goes over time and if you need to change your calories up or down, for now, go for 1600 and you can change it later. No need to starve yourself on 1200 for no good reason. Some people have to go that low (older, shorter, don't have much to lose) but you don't.