Broken Ankle; Upper Body Exercises?

Mousaroni Posts: 34 Member
edited June 2017 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey! I need a way to work out without using my feet as support. I work on horse ranches, so that's how I usually get my exercise. Therefore, I'm a total beginner to the idea of exercising for the sake of exercising. Does anyone have any resources or advice on upper body exercises?

I won't be able to use my ankle for six weeks. I don't have access to a gym. I have a red resistance band but no weights.


  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Before you do anything talk to your Orthopedic Doctor Who treated your broken ankle. He may tell you to talk to a physical therapist to see what kind of workout routine you can do.

    Please do not ask anyone for any medical related advice on this website. Even though they have the best of intentions without knowing your exact condition they can give you some recommendations that could do even more damage and set you back farther..

    I'll give you my background I have a double hip replacement and I have an arthritic knee that has to be eventually replaced. My workout from my lower body was done with consultation with my orthopedist and my physical therapist and the orthopedist steered me towards the physical therapists advice more than his because of the fact that the physical therapist understands exercise and Rehab more than the surgeon