Please help me figure out how to freeze and re-heat homemade wraps (and what what freezes best!)

abbynormalartist Posts: 318 Member
I make some tasty and low calorie-ish egg based wraps with a variety of fillings such as mushrooms, spinach, guacamole, cheese, salsa, beans, and so on. I'd love to make a handful of these at a time and freeze them for future lunches at work but I'm worried about how well some of these ingredients will freeze (egg??) and how best to re-heat them. My only option at work is a microwave. I'd love to hear your ideas on how best to wrap these, freeze then and re-heat them. If you want to share a favorite freeze-ahead recipe, that's a bonus! Thank you!


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Do you mean egg based as in the egg is the wrap? I'd probably combine the same ingredients to make a frittata type slice as I don't think the egg wrap would hold up too well to being frozen, defrosted and reheated...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Do you mean egg based as in the egg is the wrap? I'd probably combine the same ingredients to make a frittata type slice as I don't think the egg wrap would hold up too well to being frozen, defrosted and reheated...

    My question as well If you mean what linginglean asked and replied to, I dunno, if you how to best freeze/save tortillas with egg and yummies...Hubs wraps them in saran, I wrap them in foil, we each re-heat them in the toaster oven (his without plastic wrap of course), though both would survive the nuker (minus my foil, of course). If they are too gummy, try wetting a paper towel and wrapping in that.
  • abbynormalartist
    abbynormalartist Posts: 318 Member
    I use wheat wraps but most of them are filled with egg whites - plus whatever else sounds good at the time.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Wrap in paper towel and microwave 2 min. They will be fine frozen.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Do you have a sandwich press/toaster? They'd be nice toasted over microwaving. And I think they'd stand up fine in a wheat wrap - maybe leave off any really wet ingredients and add them separately when you eat it?