Challenge Starting Today

Isorkin Posts: 5 Member
There is something about tracking your performance, your foods, and seeing the numbers that makes you think twice about eating something you know is wrong, or not sleeping enough, or not exercising. Last year I lost 34 pounds in 90 days and it had nothing to do with my athleticism. It has everything to do with will power and determination. What worked for me was this, I woke up 30 minutes earlier and exercised like a slug in the morning. After two weeks of that you stop feeling like a slug and it becomes part of your routine. So what happened because of this? I was more awake at work, more focused on things, more attentive. Ok, no downside there. I had a routine of foods for the day, high in protein, lower calorie content, but very very very low in sugar. I can not tell you what if feels like to rid the body from sugar which for me was hard at first. But once you get that sugar number low, strange positive things happened, you look younger, you feel younger, your body stops feeling lazy, your mind is sharp. It was crazy but sugar aged me. Once the sugars were erased in abundance from my diet and body, weight came off fast, very fast. This might not work for everyone but in the first two weeks of a low sugar foods, 10 lbs came right off. It will come back I presume just as quick if you go back to sugar but I dropped it quickly. I took a vitamin a day, had a whey protein drink, and exercised at night. Yes, it is alot of exercise (1 hour a day morning and night) but here is why. I ate no more then 1700 calories a day, I burned off 700 plus calories a day. So here is the math, for me to maintain my weight I would need to net (Calories eaten minus calories burned a day) 2400. Anything above that number I start having a calorie surplus. Below 2,400 calories is a deficit. My calorie number is 1,000 a day or a 1,400 calorie deficit every day (2,400 - 1,000). It really wasn't that hard, REALLY, ITS NOT, because as you move along you start to see it in your face, your cloths, and it becomes inspirational. At that rate, I lost 2.5 pounds a week for me, or 12 pounds a month. (3,500 calories = 1 lb divided by your average deficit). Yes it was aggressive but not on purpose, I just really enjoy exercising and the eating was me just picking foods that matched my criteria. Exercising by the way is addicting (bring your music, or do it in front of a TV). I had the determination and will power to do this for 90 days and 34 pounds gone. After I had arm surgery and it threw me off, so here I go again. June 12, 2017. I will report every two weeks starting July 1. I challenge you..... Not your athleticism, not everything you eat, I challenge your determination. If you every questioned can you be successful at something, here it is. No one can stop you and no one can take it away from you if you succeed. So do it, don't make excuses, just do it. Good luck.