She's Getting F I T!!!!! (Weight Loss Blog)

Hello everyone,

I've decided to create a weight loss journey blog! I came up with this idea for myself because I feel that it will help me to remain accountable during this weight loss journey I'm on. I've tried to lose weight so many times over the years and neither time has been successful. This time around I can feel success already and having this blog is going to help in a major way as well. Not only that, but I want to share the REALITIES of trying to lose weight. There are many weight loss sites, blogs, articles, and so on out there. I feel however that sometimes the REALITIES of trying to lose weight are explained. The hardships, the struggles, and the moments when you feel like giving up. Sharing those moments and ways to get through them are what I plan to give back to ladies when doing this blog. On the blog I'm posing my weekly meals, meal photos, success stories, hardship stories, beginning and ending day thoughts, before/after photos, and much much more. So make sure you check the blog out and leave comments, concerns, suggestions, and questions.


(ADD ME ON MFP!!!!!)
