Still in disbelief of weight loss



  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    I'm definitely in the same boat of thinking that 30 lbs really isn't that much. Or focusing on how much further I have to go. Or that it took so long to do because I made the smallest changes possible and never gave 100%.

    For some reason it's always been easier to focus on the long road ahead or the challenges that come with it than seeing how far I've come or where I'm at with myself today. Like day and night, and all for the better. Still working on focusing on the positives :) it's a struggle, that's for sure!
  • VioletNightshade
    I've lost 40 pounds recently - was 260 at my highest, yet, every time I get on the scale, no matter if it's been a week or a day, I ALWAYS expect it to be like 395 or something that for me was never even on the spectrum of possibility. I'm around 220 right now, and losing, but instead of just 'big, but working on it' I still feel like one day I'll either wake up or get on the scale and realize that all the weight loss was just a dream and I'm really pushing 1000 pounds and bedridden because of my weight or something.

    It doesn't really feel real that it's actually going.

    I hope one day that feeling goes away. It's dreadful.
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    I've been in maintenance over a year, and at times I still have the irrational fear(after an occasional bad eating day) that I am going to gain 50-60 pounds over night!
    It's crazy.
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    I don't have this problem but that's probably because this is my first time trying to lose weight. I was fat for a while but never cared. Then one day I said, "Okay, no more being fat", and I lost weight and I haven't stopped. So, I am sure that I don't have this problem because I am not intimidated by a scale; dieting has not been a chronic thing for me.

    In no way am I saying that losing weight is easy though; I just have an iron will and I am terribly honest with myself. It has taken over a year to lose weight and I don't expect it to magically attack me in my sleep.

    For those though that do feel like it might happen, remember that it takes time to become fat just like it takes time to become thin. Both can happen rapidly, but not overnight. : ) Besides, the mirror will give you a better idea of where you are than a scale.

    One thing that never left me though is my personal space size. I still have the personal space bubble of someone 40 lbs fatter. I have when people use space around my thinner body that I still believe is mine. They have no idea though.
  • cctorrez
    cctorrez Posts: 15
    I'm in tears reading these posts. It's such a relief to know I'm not alone. I've recently lost 90 pounds over the course of a year and a half, and I still see myself at 300pounds. Or imagine that's how I look when I'm out and about. Constantly adjusting my clothing thinking that I have the same body as before. I had been overweight my ENTIRE life. Since preschool I was always chubby. So now, at 19 weighing 20lbs less than I did in 6th grade, it's extremely difficult to see myself thinner. I look in the mirror and can't see we're I came from. Maybe it happened too gradually for me to see it, but everyone else does. My roommate sometimes says "how dont you see it??" It's weird. Sometimes I fear I'll wake up at 300pounds and it was all a dream, it's still very surreal and I hope this doesn't last long because I want to enjoy my new
    Body !
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    I totally know how you feel!!! I still expect to see 317 on the scale when I step on it... And i now weight 190 . I also still expect to see the "fat guy" in the mirror when I look.. I spent most of my life obese, its what my mind is used to seeing. And I stopped loosing weight 3 years ago!
  • mmedjjon
    mmedjjon Posts: 511
    for twenty years I was over 300 lbs. Topping out at 382. Ihave lost 160 pounds all together and cant believe it. I have never in my memory been this size. it is truly a new world for me and I love it.