Maybe this is a stupid question

if you eat at a low calorie for a long period of time does your body just get used to it? And then are you stuck with that low calorie requirement to maintain your weight? I'm not talking about going under 1200 Cals - even though that is a ridiculously low number in my mind..


  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    your body has a daily energy need. just because you eat a low amount doesn't magically mean the energy need changes. if you take your question to the extreme, no one would starve because the body would adjust...doesn't work that way.

    That said, as you weigh less your energy need declines because you have less to support due to lower weight. Therefore, you approach weight loss with a smaller daily calorie deficit because as you lose weight you would be required to eat a little less to maintain your deficit. starting with a very low calorie intake means you have to sustain that low calorie deficit for a longer period of time and thats where people struggle because it gets very hard to maintain over time. Small deficits are much easier to maintain because you aren't as hungry all the time for weeks and months back to back.

    Hope that made sense..does in my head :)
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    I would also add that when you add in exercise you can eat more because you've burned more calories. when you add muscle through lifting weights, your daily energy needs increase because you have more lean mass to support. so the rule more eat more, do less eat less.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Short answer no
    Long answer. As you lose weight you have less body to maintain and thus require less calories to maintain that body. Also in cases of extreme starvation say the Nazi concentration camps or people who survived after being stranded in arctic for years there has been shown that extreme starvation can cause a slow down in metabolic rate. Now this is not what any sensible person would do and is not what causes someone in non extreme situations to not lose weight.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    No I don't think so. If you keep eating low calories you will keep losing weight.. Unless you get to such a low body weight that you only need those few calories to maintain but I think you'd have to be extremely, grossly underweight. (Depending on how many calories we're talking about) So no you are not stuck with the low calorie requirement. When you reach your desired weight you will be able to eat more calories (woopee)
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I can't find the better article right now, but you may be thinking of "adaptive thermogenesis", which is a real thing.

    Here is one article about "starvation mode" that does cover it about 2/3'rds of the way down.

    So, beyond just needing less calories to carry less weight, there is another adaptation that can occur. It won't stop weight loss, and can be reversed.

    Of course if you are thinking of starvation mode, then the article is spot on.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    If you eat in a deficit for a long time, then adaptive thermogenesis can come into play. This doesn't mean weight loss will stop, but it may slow down. Helpful explanation of this in @EvgeniZyntx's MFP blog
  • Lolalikeslolagets
    Lolalikeslolagets Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks guys, yes this is what I was wondering about! That and a fear of a life without chicken wings lol...