New to community; long time user of app

Good afternoon everyone,
As my headline says, I'm new to the community, but am a long time (3 or 4 years?) of the app...
I'm pretty sure I was using it in late 2013 to track movement vs. calories... I was walking a lot, and lost about 75 lbs... I've been fat all my life, though, and as usual, it really just took that one "I don't feel like walking today," or "one bowl of ice cream, as a "treat", won't hurt," and it ALL came back, and then some!
Last year, I decided enough was enough... 45 years old, and I wanted to live to see my children have children... I weighed 448 pounds!!!
LARGE don't even begin to describe me! So, I had Gastric Sleeve surgery.
Best decision I ever made; best money I ever spent!!!
Since last August, I've lost 130 lbs!!!
I still figure I'd like to lose another 70, though... and then, maintain @ 250 lbs... I weigh less now than I did when I graduated high school... I probably weighed 250 in Junior High, but was a LOT shorter!ep8wqz8znkq3.jpg