New here - 32, first time mom, in NOVA

Hi everyone!

I'm a first time mom, work full time, and trying to balance all that and losing weight. It isn't even baby weight to lose, it is just the weight I had on before. (I didn't gain much during my pregnancy.) It is just hard to find the time for everything! Would love to meet others around here that are in the same boat, etc. I'd like to lose 85lbs or so!

Look forward to talking to everyone.


  • autumn26
    autumn26 Posts: 44
    Congrats on your little bundle! I am a stay at home mommy of two beautiful girls. Had my second 6 weeks ago and gained 53 pounds! Eeek! Love having mommy friends on here, add me if you like!
  • Resa001
    Resa001 Posts: 40 Member
    Congrats on your new addition! I have a 2 year old, also my first. I know what it's like trying to find time for yourself - it is quite the adjustment, isn't it?! You are welcome to add me if you'd like. : )
  • Hello:
    I am the mother of 3 children and I work full-time as well. I have problems at times balancing work and exercise. I have realized that if I plan everything and let my family know when I plan to exercise, they will hold me accountable. My youngest my daughter told me, "I will be your weight watcher." Too cute.
  • NewMommyinVA2013
    NewMommyinVA2013 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone! He is almost 5 months old - I have no idea where the time has gone. all my time goes to him when I'm not working!