Does your childhood diet affect your eating habits?



  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    "There are people in _______ who are starving, so clean your plate!" When I was growing up it was China.

    I still have to fight the urge to feel like I need to eat everything on my plate even if I'm full.

  • Amars150
    Amars150 Posts: 6
    Absolutely. Meals at our house were square almost every night. Meat starch canned veggie salad (even if it was just a chunk of lettuce with some Miracle Whip on it), and bread. Always gravy, always margarine. Always a clean plate or you will sit there until you can vote. We were pretty poor and my parents grew up during the Great Depression, so I can forgive them their ignorance. It was hard relearning how to cook without bacon grease. I don't believe my parents ever owned a bottle of vegetable oil, much less olive oil. Everything was cooked in bacon grease or shortening. Breakfast was Cheerios or bacon and eggs fried in grease, lunch was peanut butter or bologna on white bread. We were skinny children, but the habits I learned did me no good as an adult. The things I was deprived of as a child because of our poorness, I over-indulged in as an adult, like sweets, soda, fast-food and such. But after we grow up we have to stop blaming them, and take the responsibility. I'm doing that now/
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    I was thinking of this a while back... When my parents cooked, every meal started with a pound of ground beef! Tacos, burgers, spaghetti, hamburger helper. You got a pound of ground beef, you got dinner LOL Now when I cook, my meals start with a pound of chopped vegetables! Even my parents have learned to eat better, too :wink:
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Yes ...

    Anything that I was forced to eat as a child, I hated for a loooooong time. Fortunately, my parents weren't much into the force feed method. I did have a period of 8 weeks where I was to eat 3 bananas a day (medical issue, needed potassium and that was the doc's prescription). Took about a decade before I could stomach the idea of tasting one even though previously I loved them. And, I love them now. Then there was the Atkin's Diet - back in the day when it first came out and everything was greasy meat and cheese all over. Still don't like to see grease on food. Blech.

    Holidays aren't holidays without childhood favorites - we've got strong family traditional foods that we NEVER miss. We'll rotate new stuff in and out as we please, but the traditional foods are always there.

    And no ...

    I was really super picky as a kid. I had about 10 foods I'd eat and that was it. These days, I'm pretty adventurous. I'll try almost anything. I'm still very selective as far as what I like, but there are few foods that I won't eat and those are from experience that they ruin the taste of the dish for me.
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