Cancer survivor, guitarist, lover of life.

Marley1L Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, as title states, I battled cancer in 2010 and am cleared now , went from 160/165 lbs to 250 after chemo. I've worked my butt off to get down to 190lbs but have​ a lot of baggage left. Overall working out also keeps my stamina up and just flat out feel better. Chemo kinda beat the hell out me. Looking to find ppl out there willing to help keep me motivated, I work at a railyard 10 hours a day and just don't always have it in me to hit the fitness. Any other cancer survivors out there ? Get at me and let's share stories and get our life's back! All positive ppl welcome to add me! One Love


  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    Congratulations on making it through such a *kitten* thing. Just wanted to chime in and say that. There are so many cool people on here to have a laugh with, or to help you keep moving towards your goal.
  • NassW1
    NassW1 Posts: 7 Member
    Yea bro big ups to battling that beast! No doubt you'll be able to surpass anything that stands in your way from here on in
  • Latachanamom
    Latachanamom Posts: 3 Member
    Almost 4 year cancer survivor here. Left me with lymphedema in right leg from the lymphnode removal, makes workouts harder by far But ehh I get to live so bonus. Trying to lose 100 plus pounds to make my chances of fighting it again less..
  • Ron_in_NC
    Ron_in_NC Posts: 368 Member
    Melanoma cancer survivor here. Was diagnosed with Stage IV Melanoma back in September 2017, and they removed tumors off my right lung and shoulder area. Taking OPDIVO treatments now (Chemo umbrella), but it's immunotherapy. Leaves me fatigued a lot, some morning sickness, and flares up my arthritis. Home on medical leave now, so thought that instead of becoming a couch potato, I joined Planet Fitness, as well as this site. My goal is to lose about 20 lbs (for starters).
  • phobrien81
    phobrien81 Posts: 29 Member
    You all inspire me, I lost my father to cancer my mother battled it twice. Just keep enjoying life no matter what! And Marley, I am a guitarist as well! B)
  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    If you can battle cancer you can do anything. You got this. I lost my father to colon cancer.