Please share how you stretch before walk/run/exercise?



  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I walk for a few hundred yards before I run. Then, after a half mile or so, I will windmill each arm a few times, do some high-knee strides and some butt-kickers.
    My wife runs a mile, gets warm and a bit loose, then stops and does some serious stretches. She does calf stretches, touches her toes, puts her heel to her but and does some standing hurdler stretches for her quads.
    She does serious, get-on-the-floor stretching when her run is over. I have the best of intentions, but rarely do what I should when I get home.
  • julie_broadhead
    julie_broadhead Posts: 347 Member
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,990 Member
    edited June 2017
    Don't stretch at all. B4 or after. Waste of time. There was a MFP blog article that essentially said the same.

    All I do are light warm up "sets" of the activity that I'm going to do - - lifting, rowing, crosstraining, stairmaster or whatever - - b4 doing that activity more heavily or intensely.

    Never been injured as a result of failing to do any stretching. Doesn't mean it's not "good" to be limber but no evidence that stretching is necessary for the prevention of injury, despite the common belief to the contrary.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    context: i'm 52. i don't run. i bike commute and i lift 'heavy': usually squat, deadlift, overhead press and bench.

    before lifting i always, always do: 3x15 broomstick 'dislocates' and chest-level band pulls. i almost-always do quadruped hip circles, quad stretching and the figure-four stretch for glutes.

    for cycling i'm sloppy because it's 'just' commuting and not a 'workout'. but technically at least, i should do at least the hip circles and quad stretch, and i'm better off if i do. also benefit from shin-box stretches and 'switching' just to warm up my hip joints.

    not everyone likes or needs to stretch but i have rheumatoid arthritis and i'm slightly over the kinds of creeping-inabilities that catch up with me if i don't practice this kind of thing. if nothing else the routines seem to tell me more or less what state my physical nation is in on that day.
  • riosa99
    riosa99 Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2017
    Stretching is the best one before running or walking, it will tell your body if you are ready..
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    riosa99 wrote: »
    Stretching is the best one before running or walking, it will tell your body if you are ready..

    How exactly does stretching tell your body you're ready?! Does that mean I need to stretch every time I get up from my desk, so my body knows I'm ready to walk to the kitchen or printer?!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    5 min of walking before running.
    After about 3-4 min I'll start walking in a way to stretch calves, knees bent, for enough steps for tightness to go away. May alternate a few times.
    That's my only exceeding tight running muscles.

    If the plan is to go for harder run or longer - I'll walk longer.

    5 min cooldown walk too, same calf stretch. Other muscles at home, usually in shower, hopefully before I've sat and let things tighten up too much.
    Longer if intense run or long one.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I don't really stretch too much before exercising, I do warm up, walking for a couple mins before a run, or running down to the gym before lifting. I'll do a little bit of mobility as well before lifting, but no real stretching before. I then spend a couple of minutes after running to stretch out my legs, and maybe 5 mins after lifting to thoroughly stretch full body. I also occasionally have a ten min stretch session on an active rest day, if any muscles are feeling tight or twingy.
  • Decten1988
    Decten1988 Posts: 13 Member
    I usually do stretching before workout to reduce injury .
    Head roll/neck roll
    Shoulder roll and shoulder stretch
    side reach and toe touch
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm not a stretcher shock horror! If walking or running I'll warm up at a slow walk/run for a few minutes, I do the same at cool down.
    I now bike more and again I go at a slower pace for 4 or 5 mins and then get my speed up.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Never do static stretches before exercise, pointless at best, may even be counter productive.

    My routine is warm up (sometimes) then exercise.
    If my exercise is weights then then I'm doing warm up sets (light weight/high rep).

    If I stretch then it's after exercise.

    I might do some crawls, or mobility checks before lifting in conjunction with a light jog or elliptical or side straddle hops... But strictly speaking no... I wouldn't stretch..
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    sgt1372 wrote: »
    Don't stretch at all. B4 or after. Waste of time. There was a MFP blog article that essentially said the same.

    Before exercise, i static stretch any overly tight muscles that will negatively effect my exercise form if left unstretched. For me, that's upper trapezius, calves, and pectorals. I get a noticeable improvement in form after stretching my problem areas. Granted, most people aren't good at self-diagnosing their muscle imbalances, so it's probably best that they don't stretch prior to exercise.. at least until getting assessed by a physical therapist or kinesiologist, who can customize a stretching plan. :+1:
  • ninka_polish
    ninka_polish Posts: 48 Member
    That's a lot of valuable knowledge! So thanks to you guys I have learnt that there's no point doing cold stretching before my walk just continute walking and then speed up. What I didn't know is that I should asctually stretch after walk so I'll implement that from tomorrow. As for weights keep the advice coming please. I'll be starting 5kg withers exercises for my arms in couple of days, do I need a warm up?