C Section Tummy


I recently began the process of trying to get my weight under control. After my second child i was pn the depo shot and gained 75+ pounds. I came off of it but the weight did not. I gave since had my 3rd child (and c section) and have gotten my tubes tied. I am 5' 4" and 255 pounds. Last month I quit my desk job and now work retail and I'm on my feet all day.

I haven't checked my weight since starting my journey but I have noticed some slimming in my legs and back of my waist.

Does anyone have any tips on getting rid of stomach fat and that dreaded c section pouch? I'm not looking for a miracle. Any loss would be a win for me.


  • suhashmi
    suhashmi Posts: 22 Member
    Start wearing a medicated belt under your clothes to start with
  • suhashmi
    suhashmi Posts: 22 Member
    Just had an emergency c section six months ago for my first born. Can't exercise due to some complications in stitches. I'm 5'5" and weigh 157 lbs. plan on losing 27 lbs to reach my pre pregnancy weight. Don't know how long it would take as I have limitations can't even walk much. So have to lose through diet control. Please add me if you want a weight loss buddy with c section. take care
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    Mine went away slowly when I climbed hills every day. It's not fun. But it worked great.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    I've had two csections, one of those being a twin pregnancy. I had the dreaded flap, but I can tell you as I lost weight it got smaller and smaller. I still have about 10lbs to lose, and I expect it to be pretty much gone by then. Just keep exercising, take it slow. My twins are 3yrs old now, it's been a slow process but my skin looks pretty darn good considering all the stretching that has gone on.

    Hang in there, it will get better with time.
  • ajones2600
    ajones2600 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks all will do!
    Just starting out with better food choices. I'm pretty active at my job though. I haven't weighed myself yet but plan on doing so this week.

    I'm considered morbidly obese so I worry that I will lose too fast at first and end up with lose skin. I plan on adding in weights and cardio once I lose about 20 pounds. I have some joint pain at my current weight that I think we be a bit better once some weight is off.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    There are a few factors that dictate whether or not you will lose the c-section pouch or not. Starting weight is a big one. Even if/when you get down to a healthy bmi, you could have lose skin that will hang at the incision. This would be pretty normal especially since you said this was your 3rd c-section.

    Slow weight loss, genetics and lifting can all help to minimize lose skin and the pooch, but you need to have realistic expectations since you have 100 +/- lbs to lose (don't know your goal weight). You could lose weight fast at first and that would be normal, it's normal for anyone starting a diet to lose a lot in the first week or two especially when just changing your diet. It's water weight and not actual fat.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    My c section "pooch" went away for the most part with time. 18 months PP and my skin kinda pooches out a little above and under but not bad. Just keep losing the weight and your stomach fat should reduce as well.
  • Panda8ach
    Panda8ach Posts: 518 Member
    I've lost 7lbs and mine looks better already!