I am back.... Luckily

winpens Posts: 17 Member
Started on here a few years back and was doing well... Then I got very sick (pancreatic cancer) I was given a few months to live after Whipple surgery... Long story short that was almost 2 years ago... Scans have been clear for 18 months now.... More good news I hit my goal weight while I was sick..LOL. well it took me 18 months to gain the weight back and my doc is over the moon happy, he says he does not get to see that often... Well time to disappoint my doc I want to lose 20lbs so I am back... Looking for friends so please add me, most of my old friends must have thought I just gave up... Never giving up anything without a fight...:)


  • ConleighS
    ConleighS Posts: 1,058 Member
    Hi winpens. I have just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and will probably have the whipple surgery soon. I searched “whipple” and your post came up. May I ask how you are doing now? Feel free to add me.