Fit bit is giving me 1427 exercise calories?!



  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    Note also that one detail about how MFP relays Fitbit's info, is that MFP assumes you will be sedentary/active/whatever-you-selected for the rest of the day. So if you ARE highly active in the morning, some of that adjustment will go away as the day moves on. And overnight.

    Example... Assume my bmr is 50/hour. And based on my activity level setting, MFP expects me to burn 1800 per day. Which works out to 75/hr.

    I wake up at 6am. I sync. Fitbit tells MFP that I've burned 300 so far. (BMR) MFP says I am behind schedule, I should be at 450 so its a -150 adjustment.

    Maybe I eat a snack and then go for a 10k run which takes me about 70 minutes and burns 630 calories. I shower, get ready for work so I'm moving around the house. As of 8am Fitbit says I have now burned 1000 calories. MFP expected 600 by 8am, so now its +400.

    I don't do much movement thru my commute/lunch/workday. At 6pm Fitbit says I have burned a total of 1650. MFP expected 1350, so now my adjustment drops to +300.

    Grocery shopping and whatnot after work, and I walk the dogs. At 9pm I'm ready for bed and Fitbit says I have burned 1850. Now the adjustment is +275. Keep in mind that MFP expects me to still burn 75/hr until midnight but I'm going to bed. I will only burn a tad over BMR. So tomorrow when I sync Fitbit will show my prior day total as 2015. and the adjustment changes to +215.

    That is how they work together. MFP always taking Fitbit's data for what you've burned so far, then estimating how much more you will burn.
    MFP always gives me more calories than fitbit does. I do not pay attention to either one though. Unless my daily calories is about 1200 calories, there is no way I can even eat half of what mfp or fitbit gives me and still lose weight. I do like to see how many calories I have burned each day, but I do not sync until I am about to go to bed and have already logged my calories for the day.

    Sounds like logging errors to me, if you can't eat even half of the exercise adjustments from the two systems without gaining weight.