Looking for some friends to help me reach my goal

Hi my names kyle. Im 24 (turn 25 on june 26th) and i would love to see if anyone would like to be friends on here to help motivate me to reach my goal. My goal is to lose 90 pounds total which will put me at 180. Ive been on my weight loss journey since my birthday last year (june 26th 2016) my starting weight was 270 pounds and so far ive killed 50 pounds so i have 40 more to go. Not going to lie the motivation is starting to die a little bit. So would love to hear from anyone on here. Thanks everyone and have a lovely day


  • paulawriteslove
    paulawriteslove Posts: 195 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You got this! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Ayyo_s
    Ayyo_s Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! 50lbs lost already is a great achievement! You got this just keep up the hard work & remember diet is 90% of the work! You cant out work a bad diet! Keep tracking & you will lose the extra 40lbs before you know it!
  • jacobhillman
    jacobhillman Posts: 39 Member
    Hey there Kyle. I'm also 24, and I started out at 326. I'm hovering at about 300 now, and my goal is at least to lose another 50. Seems like our journeys are similar. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :]