What do you eat on the regular?

Ok. So in a previous post someone was asking if people thought their childhood's played a big roll in the way they ate now.
Someone mentioned that their mother really only made the following for dinner:

Baked chicken breast, shake-n-bake pork chops, steak, pasta and meatballs, pizza night or fish sticks, and some sort of roast (beef or pork). EVERY NIGHT (except pasta or pizza night) had potatoes.

That being said...I feel bad because this is pretty much what I eat and my mom always mad and I feel like this is normal food.
Is shake in bake or some other form of pork chops, pasta and meatballs and chicken breast or roast normal and healthy.
Also what about veggies...we eat a lot of canned or frozen. Hey I work full time and have a toddler. He is always starving when he gets home. Plus...i have to watch the money at the grocery store.

What do you guys eat on the regular and what do u feel your families? Give me menu for a week's worth of dinners.
I am so worried I am doing something wrong!


  • parrotlover
    parrotlover Posts: 143 Member
    notice I said roll....lol instead of role..guess I'm hungry!