big setback

gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
OK so I was away from here for several months because I caught this horrible virus. The doc said it wasn't the flu but the symptoms were very similar and it just. kept. relapsing. Every time I would try to get back on track, sick again, fever and all. Nothing on the bloodwork etc to show anything other than a virus. Doctor couldn't come up with any other reason or contributing factor. So during all these months of barely being able to move I of course gained 15 lb. It's been going on since November. I haven't been sick in like 6 weeks now so I am going to try and go back to the gym and eat more strictly. When I'm super sick I don't keep exact count of calories because I don't want to hinder recovery by being obsessive about weight. Now I'm oldish and short and female and this is going to take FOREVER.... that is even if I stay well, best case scenario. I'm just so ticked off with the whole situation. I WAS at goal before this crap all hit the fan.

Wish me luck as I start from scratch, guys. Blergggggh.


  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Good luck, and be kind to yourself!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I'm glad you're feeling better! I won't wish you luck on the weight loss, because you know what you're doing there. I will wish you all the best with regards to your health and hope that there are no further relapses.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    Thank you! If I can just have no. more. viruses.... then this can be done even if slowly. That's the kind of luck I need... no more viruses!!! In fact I may have to redo my whole daily schedule so I can work out in the AM before Arthur Itis comes for me (which is chiefly in the evening.) Gym opens at five. Work starts at 8.
  • BZAH10
    BZAH10 Posts: 5,709 Member
    Sorry you're dealing with this. Have you sought out a 2nd opinion? Seems like a pretty serious health issue that there should be an answer for. Frustrating and time consuming, I know, but I may try to find other answers if I were you. Either way, hope you feel better soon!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,598 Member
    I did locate a doctor I can try for a second opinion as a consult if this relapses again. I'm kind of in a pinch for money but if I have to I can put it on a credit card. The funny thing is, or not so funny, my husband has gotten the relapses right along with me so it probably really is a virus. I've noticed though that over time the relapses got less severe for both of us. This kind of thing is why I don't really do calorie restriction when sick because if I don't get the resources for healing I'll be sick for much longer. Lots of vitamin C and other nutrients; I can cut cals when well. Which, if luck is with me, is now. Today the gym closes super early so a yoga routine at home is a good idea. I like Yoga with Adrienne in particular.