Stay at home parents will understand...

I just worked out alone for the first time ever since I had my son after he went to bed. Yes, I actually had enough energy


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    Good job. It can be done, you just may have to shuffle some stuff around time wise to get it in.

    Am a stay at home dad (as well as a trainer part time) and have NEVER had but 1 baby sitter. Been watching my DD as well as ALL the household chores since she was born. There's ALWAYS a way to work out alone. Many gyms have 2 hour child care. Parks have playgrounds where workouts can be done while the kids play. Kids usually sleep as toddlers in the day for an hour or more. Can even just do 15 minute spurts at a time. So it can be done. One just has to make it a priority and organize how to do everything else to fit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Ahah yes!
    I do all my workouts at night! Or long dog walks early in the morning.
    I'm talking like 5am!! Before my girls wake up around 6.30!

    My toddler hasn't had a nap since 18m! Well she did sometimes but more often than not she wouldn't nap!
    And now throw a nearly 1 year old in and I can understand why its so hard for us to find time and energy to work out!
  • Garlicmushroom
    Garlicmushroom Posts: 51 Member
    The only exercise I get is walking and gardening.
    But it's always been that way.
    I'm currently and nearly got off what I gained from my 3rd child. I spend the time he's in nursery walking aroung the seaside town so it's a very pleasant 3hrs.
    As we live on the coast this time of year is great cause we can walk on the coastal path to the shop and back. When it's really hot I sweat so much it was pouring in my eyes. Trying to push a double pushchair of about 6stone in weight with both kids in and seeing where i'm going for the 6mile walk isn't easy.
  • evilpoptart63
    evilpoptart63 Posts: 397 Member
    Wow it's exciting you had the energy to do that! I'm a a stay at home mom and I never have the energy to work out after they're asleep. I have to squeeze mine in during naps because I know I'll be a zombie by the end of the day
  • udebear
    udebear Posts: 39 Member
    Lol. 3km dog walk before 4 kids get up at 7am. Older 2 off to school. While the youngest has a nap, the 2nd youngest gets tv time while i run on the treadmill for half hour. Then an hour in the shed/gym with hubby for weight training after they are in bed and I'm very ocd about my 8hrs sleep. Lmao!