
Hello my name is Dawn and I am from NC. About 4 months ago I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes. I couldn't feel my toes very well and my sugars were over 300. So I was told that if I didn't do something my feet won't get any better and I could loose them. So I started out cutting out Drinks, now before the only time I had water was in my coffee so it has been a struggle for me but I lost my first 15 lbs. pretty quick. I joined a gym a month ago and I have lost some more weight. Right now I think it is about 24 lbs. total. My problem is not knowing what to eat and fix so that it is healthy. So I am glad to be here and my goal is 100 lbs. that is what I am supposed to loose to have my bmi in check.


  • go_julihana
    go_julihana Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello from maine. There are some great recipes on line. I can share some if your interested. All depends on what you eat.. Let me know. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • dawnbaldwin1
    dawnbaldwin1 Posts: 3 Member
    sounds good to me because I am at a loss right now.