General Weight loss help

Hello everyone!

I'm a 21 year old male looking for some general advice.

I started my lifestyle change 3 months ago. I started at 280lbs and I've now lost 28lbs. I've done this through sticking to my MFP daily calorie intake target. I have not done any vigorous exercise in this but I am generally active as a cricket coach ( logging 10,000 steps 3 days a week) and playing cricket 2 days a week.

In terms of my diet, I've completely changed how and what I eat. I've left fizzy drinks behind and I'm starting to drink 2 litres of water a day. I'm sticking to a 1500 calorie deficit and trying to eat mainly protein duh as Tuna and chicken and eggs. If I had to give you a general daily plan I would have a salad for lunch, with chicken, Ham, egg, lettuce and a light dressing. My main meal would then be something similar to Jacket potato with Tuna or chicken breast with rice.

I do allow myself one day a week where I can eat to my maintenance calorie intake. This allows me to enjoy the foods I miss, without having to permanently give them up.

I just wondered if anybody could spot some areas of my lifestyle change that I could improve on or if anyone had any tips to try.

I'm very happy with a 28lbs loss in 3 months but I've seen people losing it a lot quicker and it seems to have stagnated for me.


  • mom2kateRH
    mom2kateRH Posts: 178 Member
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    28 lbs in 3 months is more than appropriate. Losing faster is not always better. Some people losing faster may also be much heavier than you.

    It sounds like you are doing everything right. The only thing I would say is up your exercise and do some strength training. Not necessarily to list faster, but because it's good for you and gives you room for more indulgences.
  • princeofmind
    princeofmind Posts: 95 Member
    28 lbs in 3 months is around a loss of 2 lbs a week which is what is said to be the max that you want to lose a week for a healthy weight loss.
    Well done on the 28 lbs :D