When does it stop hurting?



  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    edited June 2017
    When I had a job at Starbucks, my feet would hurt a lot. I had to get some arch supports. I had a favorite kind that they used to sell at Walmart. Unfortunately, they were also my dog's favorite... I think they are the Profoot brand, a pinkish lavender color.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    everher wrote: »
    I'm a teacher, so I have "lightly active" as my default setting. I also have a summer job that involves a significant amount of walking. Still, there's a part of me that feels like the increase isn't all THAT much - I made sure to get 10k steps in daily during the school year. On the days I work, I get in an average of 18k. I let my step count go lower on my off days (usually 8-9k) but I've started a strength program at a nearby gym.

    And my legs and feet ache all the time. It's discomfort, not pain - I can tell that I'm not injured. But it's nearly constant (though it's worse in the mornings) and it hasn't improved after a month on the job. I stretch. I take Epsom salt baths. And spinach is my go-to veggie, so I'm pretty sure I'm getting all the potassium I need and then some.

    But I'm getting frustrated with it. Does it actually GET any better? Is there something I should be doing that I'm not? Or do people who are more regularly active just accept this and I need to just suck it up?

    Everything everyone else said. And also:

    From 10k to 18k is almost double your step count. I average about 10k steps a day myself, but a few days recently I got over 20k and let me tell you I could've died.

    The thing I remember from having more active jobs in the past vs my current job where I only get like 10k steps (and that's with me really trying to) is that eventually you adjust to it.

    Yes, this... but I was kinda hoping for something more specific than "eventually." How long IS that? ;)

    @SaritaJack my diary is open (I think) and I'm pretty sure I'm getting enough protein- I definitely make that a priority. In addition to being essential for muscle development, I'm hoping it'll toughen up my hair and nails. They started getting more brittle a few years ago.

    @bbell1985 what do you teach?

    So better shoes might help. Or just toughing it out... only 4-5 more weeks until dress rehearsals mean I won't be able to work, and then I'll be back at school. Also gonna look into magnesium.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    everher wrote: »
    I'm a teacher, so I have "lightly active" as my default setting. I also have a summer job that involves a significant amount of walking. Still, there's a part of me that feels like the increase isn't all THAT much - I made sure to get 10k steps in daily during the school year. On the days I work, I get in an average of 18k. I let my step count go lower on my off days (usually 8-9k) but I've started a strength program at a nearby gym.

    And my legs and feet ache all the time. It's discomfort, not pain - I can tell that I'm not injured. But it's nearly constant (though it's worse in the mornings) and it hasn't improved after a month on the job. I stretch. I take Epsom salt baths. And spinach is my go-to veggie, so I'm pretty sure I'm getting all the potassium I need and then some.

    But I'm getting frustrated with it. Does it actually GET any better? Is there something I should be doing that I'm not? Or do people who are more regularly active just accept this and I need to just suck it up?

    Everything everyone else said. And also:

    From 10k to 18k is almost double your step count. I average about 10k steps a day myself, but a few days recently I got over 20k and let me tell you I could've died.

    The thing I remember from having more active jobs in the past vs my current job where I only get like 10k steps (and that's with me really trying to) is that eventually you adjust to it.

    Yes, this... but I was kinda hoping for something more specific than "eventually." How long IS that? ;)

    @SaritaJack my diary is open (I think) and I'm pretty sure I'm getting enough protein- I definitely make that a priority. In addition to being essential for muscle development, I'm hoping it'll toughen up my hair and nails. They started getting more brittle a few years ago.

    @bbell1985 what do you teach?

    So better shoes might help. Or just toughing it out... only 4-5 more weeks until dress rehearsals mean I won't be able to work, and then I'll be back at school. Also gonna look into magnesium.

    Music at an elementary school with an at-risk population in Brooklyn. I mean I try to teach music. Some days I just try to get through 45 minutes without anyone getting hurt.
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    Compression sleeves and a magnesium supplement may help with recovery if it's muscle soreness. If you are suffering from plantar fasciitis from being on your feet the good feet store can help. A chiropractor certified in ART can do wonders for you as well.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    When I worked in retail my feet were always sore at the end of an 8-9 hour shift. And the heavier you are the more that's going to apply, it's a lot harder to hold up 200lbs than 150lbs for prolonged periods. But that was with me stationary or close to for large parts of the day. It did improve when I was finally able to afford a really good pair of shoes.

    If I'm walking I can do about 15k steps, in the right shoes, without much issue. Yesterday I did a hike with 27k steps byt the time I was done. And yup, my feet hurt! But they're fine today.

    So all depends really on a variety of factors.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I have had great results with walking shoes with memory foam. They are light and have great support--I can walk all day in them.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I did get plantar fasciitis LAST year. Podiatrist gave me inserts. They've helped a lot. Definitely going to look into compression sleeves. I doubt there's any way I'm low on magnesium. I go through spinach like I'm Popeye's long-lost cousin ;)

    The thing is, I'm tired at the end of a long shift, but it really aches the next morning. Is that DOMS? It doesn't feel quite the same as when I work really hard at the gym, though.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    edited June 2017
    I did get plantar fasciitis LAST year. Podiatrist gave me inserts. They've helped a lot. Definitely going to look into compression sleeves. I doubt there's any way I'm low on magnesium. I go through spinach like I'm Popeye's long-lost cousin ;)

    The thing is, I'm tired at the end of a long shift, but it really aches the next morning. Is that DOMS? It doesn't feel quite the same as when I work really hard at the gym, though.

    Seriously consider those Reebok Crossfit TRs. I was already wearing quality runners, but had the hard powersoles in them and had to transfer the soles to every shoe I wore, and I my PF was so bad. I also wear the toeless compression socks to bed. After a week of adjustment in the Reebok... I use no insoles in any shoes (yay!) and only wear the compression sleeves occasionally. If you find they are uncomfortable... the soles do come out.

    Adding tons of deep calf stretches helps prevent PF flare ups, and as well so I focus on stretching them a lot more now. I hope you find you "ahhhhh" product, though. I know it's heinous to live with.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hey, you! Sometimes my feet/legs just hurt...I get up and walk a little and it eases up. I second the good shoe suggestion (or is it tenth?)...what counts as a good shoe depends on what you like, what feels good and what is available...after many diff types, I've found I really like New Balance. I will wear them for years (getting replacement insoles...). Some people love Reebock/Nike/Sketchers. Try out a bunch, don't settle. If you're on your feet that much, you need decent shoes.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    it's nearly constant (though it's worse in the mornings) and it hasn't improved after a month on the job. I stretch. I take Epsom salt baths.

    this is a pretty accurate description . . . it makes me wonder if what you're feeling is more about tendonitis or your fascia than the muscle bellies themselves. especially if you say you know already what doms should feel like and this isn't feeling like that.

    something to look into, maybe. i know that i can stretch like a fiend, but there's still a qualitative difference between stretching the entire muscle and releasing the ligaments/tendons and that kind of stuff.

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    it's nearly constant (though it's worse in the mornings) and it hasn't improved after a month on the job. I stretch. I take Epsom salt baths.

    this is a pretty accurate description . . . it makes me wonder if what you're feeling is more about tendonitis or your fascia than the muscle bellies themselves. especially if you say you know already what doms should feel like and this isn't feeling like that.

    something to look into, maybe. i know that i can stretch like a fiend, but there's still a qualitative difference between stretching the entire muscle and releasing the ligaments/tendons and that kind of stuff.

    Agreed. Reminds me of when I had Plantar fasciitis. Excruciating feet in the more ing or if I sat for too long, but I could walk it out somewhat.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    If it's nearly constant, I'd head to the doctor. You certainly don't want to wind up with something long-term that you could have avoided.

    I'm a teacher, too, and my feet can get very tired on the days I teach AND take a long walk.

    It's worse now in my late forties than it was in my younger days.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    it's nearly constant (though it's worse in the mornings) and it hasn't improved after a month on the job. I stretch. I take Epsom salt baths.

    something to look into, maybe. i know that i can stretch like a fiend, but there's still a qualitative difference between stretching the entire muscle and releasing the ligaments/tendons and that kind of stuff.

    So true. I was used to getting the "medieval stretching machine" AKA "Traction" that pulls your lower body away and down from your upper body using dual harnesses in Physical Therapy... *sigh* now that I'm done, I cannot replicate the feeling in my back from that kind of mechanical stretch. I'd be willing to pay them outrageous fees just to let me come in and get traction therapy 1x per week.

    But the at home calf stretches for the Plantar Fasciitis was way more helpful than my preconceived notions. And wearing furry flip flops around the house instead of my vastly preferred bare feet *begrudgingly* helped a lot, too.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited June 2017
    'd be willing to pay them outrageous fees just to let me come in and get traction therapy 1x per week.

    omg a few months ago when i had an s.i. mess going on some massage student did a 'joint distraction' on my left leg. i wanted to box her up at the end of the session and bring her home. can completely relate.

    if i werent' so afraid of dropping myself on my own head, i think i'd invest in a pair of these 'gravity boots' i saw one of the gym trainers using one time. he hung himself upside down from the bar in the smith machine for about 20 minutes . . . but then he had the agility and the strength to trust his own ability to clip the boots on and then afterwards set himself free.

    @OP, i've been watching a lot of this woman's clips this weekend. whatever most of her filler text is about, i just skip since it isn't my thing. but the practical-information posts about fascial release have been helpful to me.


  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    I'm a distance runner and have had a wicked case of plantar fasciitis and it never truly goes away unless you deal with the underlying issues. That's where a Chiro with ART cert may help. Usually hip weakness or tight calves contribute to the PF. The fact that your feet hurt in the morning when you get up is a key symptom of PF. If you can't tell whether you are suffering from DOMS vs PF or something else maybe take a little time off the gym or do something on the easier side. Does the soreness go away? Or is it the PF and being on your feet for work causing discomfort? If you don't know then you need to go through a process of elimination. Change some things up and see what the result is. If you think PF is your problem or one of a few problems there are a lot of stretching and strengthening routines you find on YouTube. Yoga has also been very helpful for my many running related problems and I imagine it would be helpfully for those standing or sitting a lot for work.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    edited June 2017
    18k is a lot of steps! no matter what shoes, diet, etc. Rest whenever you can during the day. Wear shoes with good support.

    Also: losing weight will help. An added incentive.

    Roll your feet on a ball at nught.

    Exercise your feet and legs. A PT can help you with finding a routine.

    Walk less on days off.

    Best of luck!
  • tessa2003
    tessa2003 Posts: 2 Member
    As a scrub nurse I found that my legs ache alot from.standing 10+ hours. What has helped me is wearing compression socks and making sure I have good supportive shoes. Also when I started exercising and added a class that had squats, lunges, and things like that I found that my legs don't ache as much. If you have varicose veins they will ache also.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    See a podiatrist... the human body is a strange thing rarely is anyone symmetrical from left to right ... one leg could be longer, one foot could be bigger... your feet could require proper orthotics... aches and pains are normal for someone engaging in a full blown training regimen... get a doctor to give you a once over... aches and pains from walking could be a sign of something else