


  • ann900mfp
    ann900mfp Posts: 23 Member
    No they wouldn't they would want me happy
  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    Step one get the cupboard and fridge full of healthy whole foods , and step 2 log your calories I kept failing until I started loging and looking at what foods do I like that are good healthy low calorie choices , 5 years of failing at diets and the last 5 weeks 14 lbs down so it can be done . I just needed to decide I wanted to loose the flab more than I wanted to eat all sorts of extra calories. You can do this if you want to
  • ann900mfp
    ann900mfp Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you
  • ISparkyI
    ISparkyI Posts: 158 Member
    Ann you are far from useless, and honestly being brave enough to post something like that on here is a huge step. You obviously want to change, which means your halfway there. I can't imagine what you went through with your losses but this MFP community is very supportive.

    I keep thinking of this in my head each time I tackle another day with the kgs I want to lose . . *A Short Term Little Loss is a Long Term Bigger Gain* . . definitely add me. Cheers