Am I eating to little?? (Need real advice please)



  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    I am losing roughly 3-4 pounds a week.
    And okay! So food scales huh? I'm going to have to get one! Thank you all!

    Bloody hell! Maybe you're not eating more than you think.. With so little to lose you should be aiming for 0.5lbs a week. 3-4lbs a week is what super obese people aim for.

    That's not the OP. I think they were recommending she go to the doctor since she is losing that much weight.

    Oh crap, duh! I've drunk way too much coffee this morning, I'm getting my posts all muddled up!

    The important question is how much booze did you put in that coffee?

    OP, how long ago did you start? If it's your first week, then the 3-4 lb is mostly water weight, if you've been at this a while, and still losing that fast, then you are most certainly undereating, and will likely begin to feel it soon. Lethargic, difficulties sleeping, difficulties concentrating, tired, dizzy, cold, etc. These are some of the earlier signs, and get worse from there. If you physically cannot eat more calories, then work on more calorie dense foods. Full fat dairy, nut butters, etc.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,752 Member
    Wow thank you for all the comments. I'm definitely making a doctors visit soon. I'm going to get my blood checked for my thyroid as well..been a few years since I've done so, being it runs in my family (my mother and brother have it) I need to check it more often just haven't had a chance to do so. Hyperthyroidism makes you lose weight a lot which my older brother has. My mom has the opposite. God I'm hoping that's not what I have!
    Just looked up the symptoms and yikes I have a lot of them. And as for the eating thing I do not want to eat more like I'm so full. I used to fast a lot and only eat in a certain time period but I'm trying to turn my life around and do better. ☺️ any advice is always welcome! Thanks again guys!!

    Sounds like a doctor visit is definitely in order.

    In regards to eating more, often hunger cues can be messed up. Plan more meals, set times to eat them and get more calories in. Drink calories between meals. Choose more calorie dense foods that increase calories without adding volume to your meals.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    And as for the eating thing I do not want to eat more like I'm so full. I used to fast a lot and only eat in a certain time period but I'm trying to turn my life around and do better. ☺️ any advice is always welcome! Thanks again guys!!

    Well, you need to. If you are eating too little, which it looks like you are based on your weight loss rate, your body will start to suffer at some point: you will lose muscle, bone, and tissue massage. Brittle hair and nails, maybe hair loss. Menstruation changes or loss of your period all together. That's just the physical. You don't want to end up with an eating disorder.

    Increase your calories by adding a glass of milk with each meal, or switching out low fat for full fat, or 32 grams of peanut butter. Or, my personal favorite, 32 grams of peanut butter on a chunk of chocolate.