App that gives SCENE points for walking !!!



  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    edited August 2018
    yukfoo wrote: »

    Okay, Carrot Rewards is NOT comparable to that Chinese app where people compare each other and have a credit score. That's creepy. This doesn't even seem to have a social media function at all, from what I've seen. (could be wrong)

    And I think we're all aware that merely having a fitness tracker, even a phone pedometer, gives some GPS information and data for companies to sell.

    The article seems super duper freaked out that the company is the government, but tbh Facebook (non-governmental company) has so many more privacy issues and creepiness surrounding it than something like this.

    If you aren't comfortable with data about you existing for profit, don't use free things like MFP - how else do they make their money? - and don't use fitness trackers. There is always the back side of the data collection (if something is free you are the product, etc). I'm not defending it, just explaining it's.....basically pervasive at this point and you'd be hard pressed to avoid it. And this is a very fear-mongering article [re: "nanny state" ?? :no_mouth: ].