I'm tired of being overweight!!!

jkvz11 Posts: 3 Member
I have lost and gained 80lbs and I seem to be stuck on losing and gaining the same 10lbs over and over again. Would love to have support and help and get advice on what works for you. Anything I can do to learn from any of you... How do I get plugged in?


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Losing weight comes down to being in a calorie deficit. Maintaining your weight means eating at maintenance - I find this more challenging than weight loss as you have no real goal, other than keeping your weight around the same number. The amount you get to eat isn't significantly higher than when you're losing, and to me this seems unfair - sometimes I just want to eat and not care! (if I don't care over a period of time, I end up putting the weight back on)

    To lose the weight, get a calorie goal for weight loss (probably 0.5lbs a week if you don't have much to lose). Get a scale, weigh all solids, measure all liquids and log accurately. Do this consistently and the weight will come off!