Losing 95lbs

Yeah what a HUGE goal lol
I'm 22 years old, female. I just became a raw vegan and yeah I'm going to really push myself to lose weight and find my happiness again. I'd love support as well as give support.
Really excited to accomplish each little goal along the way. :)


  • amiemom2010
    amiemom2010 Posts: 4 Member
    It may be a long road ahead but it is possible. I myself wanted to lose 95 pounds so far I've lost almost 40. I would love to start incorporating some vegan recipes into my family's meals. YOU'VE GOT THIS!
  • funnymarks
    funnymarks Posts: 2 Member
    I was a vegan at 22! I lost over 20 lbs. by following the hallelujah diet. I'm 37 now and have about 70 lbs to lose and obviously no longer vegan.
    It's challenging but you will see results and feel amazing!
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    You can do it! I've been vegetarian for about 12 years and have lost almost 100 pounds. I'm interested in your recipes! I don't think being raw vegan full time is for me, but I do enjoy a raw meal sometimes. Feel free to add me.