Reality Check

Well it finally happened, after a life time of feeling "meh" about my own body, I saw a photo taken at a day out and got a huge reality check.
I almost didn't recognise myself, damn!

Now I've never been a skinny girl. Puberty hit early and curves have always been a feature of sorts. But I had also always been quite active and felt relatively fit (always able to keep up with healthier friends)

Life changed, I became less and less active but eating habits didn't change with it. Changing in work, relocating, new relationships, all those things that happen in life happened and it became all too easy to do other things.

The result? I have a fairly active job but outside of that there are no sports. None whatsoever. Once upon a time I swam daily and now? I couldn't even tell you where my swimming costume is!!

After I saw that photo, I did something I haven't done in years. I weighed myself...and... I'm not sure what emotion hit me first; shock or horror.

I have got so many lessons to learn, so many destructive behaviours and habits to change. I do not doubt that it is going to be tough, but the denial is over.

Friends are more than welcome, I think this site is going to have to become my second home to keep me firmly on track.
And of course, advice, tips, most definitely welcome, because ladies and gents, I know very little about nutrition, I have never in my life paid attention to what I eat and at 27 years old I've got some catching up to do!


  • OnthatStuff
    OnthatStuff Posts: 141 Member
    Well it finally happened ... got a huge reality check ... I'm not sure what emotion hit me first; shock or horror ...

    Welcome to the club, @NowItsTime4Change. The good news is that you're in good company. Many here (raising hand) have experienced the same. Congratulations on deciding to do something about it.

    Now comes the group hug ...


    We're here for ya. Time to kick some butt!
  • amiemom2010
    amiemom2010 Posts: 4 Member
    I had that photo wake up call a couple of years ago. It's extremely difficult for me to lose weight but it's happening ( just very slowly) I'm finally under two hundred with about 60 pounds left to go. You can do this. You've already taken a very big step all ready. Welcome :smiley:
  • jhildebrandt73
    jhildebrandt73 Posts: 290 Member
    Congratulations on choosing to change your life! Using MFP is great, if you dedicate yourself to logging everything, you will realize you are considering the types of food you are putting in your body. You'll want to maximize the good calories and realize the bad ones aren't doing anything for your goals. Even if you go over your calorie goals, at least you are thinking about it. Again, congrats and welcome!
  • CeciliaBobilia
    CeciliaBobilia Posts: 246 Member
    I had the photo wake-up call last year. This year when I showed it to my toddler, she didn't recognize me!

    Attach that photo to one of your weigh ins and look back on it whenever you get discouraged.