33lbs off... 5lbs to go: A desperate plea.

Hey there fellow fitness pals! <3

I decided 9 months ago, after my partner proposed, that it was time to make a lifestyle change. I've been losing weight slowly every since, with 33lbs gone so far. It's been amazing and taking it slower has meant that, unlike other times, I haven't fallen off the wagon and ended up regaining all of my weight.

However... I have been the same weight now for 6 weeks.


I only have 5lbs to go... but they just will not budge!

Can anyone share tips on how, no matter how long they've plateaued, they manage to resist the urge to eat their weight in burgers and smoke a whole packet of cigarettes?! Because I am losing my mind!



  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    It can take up to 6 months to adjust to a new weight. The more you lose, the more your body conspires to gain it back. Take solace that you have stabilized. Keep at it. Add something new, like an exercise challenge. Anything to get your mind off food.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss and the upcoming wedding! Are you sure you have another 5 lbs to lose? Most successful weight loss maintainers chose a weight range as their target and maintenance, so I'd say change your mindset. Consider yourself already at goal and focus on fitness goals, as has already been mentioned. No need to be desperate! You've already been successful.
  • marlene460
    marlene460 Posts: 1 Member
    Dingylingo, I weighed the same for 15 months and my doctor told me to read wheat belly. The first week I am down 8 pounds. I love mfp but it doesn't calculate wheat.
    I recommend his cookbook. It gives cliffs notes on original book and many recipes.
    Good luck
  • JJS1979
    JJS1979 Posts: 177 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Congrats on the weight loss and the upcoming wedding! Are you sure you have another 5 lbs to lose? Most successful weight loss maintainers chose a weight range as their target and maintenance, so I'd say change your mindset. Consider yourself already at goal and focus on fitness goals, as has already been mentioned. No need to be desperate! You've already been successful.

    I agree with this ^^^. It should be a range, if you obsess over 5 lbs (which 5lbs probably will not even be noticeable) you risk doing more harm than good by cutting calories too much or doing more cardio then you need and ultimately will gain that last 5lbs back and more. Like BZAH10 said, maybe look to a new fitness goals.