OMG, Everyone looking for motivation



  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    brookielaw wrote: »
    I actually agree. I've been noticing a plethora of "need motivation" threads and I find myself cynically thinking "if you don't have it inside of yourself, you're not likely to make it." You need more than motivation, you need determination, discipline, drive, willpower, and commitment to yourself. External motivation doesn't really equal commitment without the others. That being said, my daughter is one of my reasons why--I want to be healthy to be there for her and to lead her by example. My determination, discipline, drive, willpower, and commitment to myself are all a part of that.

    I quit posting on the "Help, I need motivation" threads for the same reason.
  • mcmoff
    mcmoff Posts: 64 Member
    brookielaw wrote: »
    I actually agree. I've been noticing a plethora of "need motivation" threads and I find myself cynically thinking "if you don't have it inside of yourself, you're not likely to make it." You need more than motivation, you need determination, discipline, drive, willpower, and commitment to yourself. External motivation doesn't really equal commitment without the others. That being said, my daughter is one of my reasons why--I want to be healthy to be there for her and to lead her by example. My determination, discipline, drive, willpower, and commitment to myself are all a part of that.

    Maybe they need Inspiration - I agree, motivation is temporary - long term healthy living takes all the traits you said - I hate when I tell myself I "Hope" I'll do something. I usually change my self talk to I "Will" do it - whatever it is.
  • Eliniita
    Eliniita Posts: 38 Member
    I love this! It's so true that to make changes, REAL changes, you have to put in the effort. YOU have to want it for yourself.

    I'm also a sucker for a good motivational speech/quote though. :D
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    For myself, my motivation has to come from within (in my case, my motivation is avoiding chronic health conditions associated with obesity). Cheerleading from strangers, while occasionally a pleasant momentary boost, is not going to keep me on track.

    That said, I can't discount that other people aren't more motivated by the things other people say. After all, there seem to be many people who are motivated by how they look to other people, or how they think they look to other people.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    You are my people. I do not mock or put down anyone that asks for motivation. I always say, fortunately and unfortunately, nobody motivates me except me. I will try to help anyone with any information that has helped me, but for sure looking at my profile pic and knowing how I was 2 years ago motivates me everyday. Like another post stated. I get my behind out of bed every day at 4:30 am to exercise because it makes me feel good. The rare days that I just can't do it I feel like crap.
    To each their own, but if somebody needs to be motivated by others then they are basing their success on somebody else and what happens if no one is around to motivate you?
  • tomorrowistoday0000
    tomorrowistoday0000 Posts: 125 Member
    I agree. Motivation might get you out of bed for a few days, but determination and, honestly, resignation is what will make you stay the course.

    To me, weight loss is like my job, or housework, or scooping the litter tray, or ironing... all those things I'm not particularly enthused about, and sure as hell don't do for the fun, and am not 'motivated' to do, but I do because I want money to live, a clean non-stinky house, and decent clothes to wear. I want a nice, healthy body to live in. That means eating the right things and moving my butt even when I don't want to.

    Looking for motivation makes it optional and makes it an "extra" on your life, which means it's on the top of the list of things to go when the motivation wanes. Make it a "have to" rather than a "want to".

    *Disclaimer - I'm currently hopelessly off track and need to read this over and over as much as anyone.*

    Thank you for composing the above, I agree 100%!. Now I will be doing the same.

  • smn888
    smn888 Posts: 50 Member
    edited July 2017
    I guess I have to agree.

    I've had people try to motivate me many times in the past and I just didn't care... I didn't think I needed to change.

    I wasn't ready I guess... but now I am. I've personally decided that I want a different life and that I need to make changes... that motivation though comes entirely from me and my circumstances. If people want to cheer me on... sure that's great and maybe lifts my spirits.. but what really keeps me going is my personal drive and desire to do this for myself.
  • TheJourneyToFabulous
    TheJourneyToFabulous Posts: 381 Member
    It helps having people on here to keep you going on bad days, I had a particularly bad week last week and the people I have on here really helped.

    It is my own hard work and determination that help in the end but it doesn't hurt to get a little 'motivation from others. I have no one outwit MFP that is on this journey so it helps me.

    Everyone's different some need motivation some dont