Which stats should I really be focusing on?

I joined myfitnesspal a while ago but never really used it. Now i am really motivated, but it seems at times I have lots of red when looking at my stats. Should I be focusing on staying within my carbs, cholesterol, sat fat, fat, sodium, or what?

I wanna get this right. Any replies would be appreciated.



  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    From that question, I suppose that you don't have any health issues such as diabetes, metabolic diseases (hypernatremy, hypercholesterolemy, heart diseases, etc.).

    In that case, check out your carbs/fat./prot ratio and your fiber. Fiber will make you feel full longer, like protein does.
  • Yourdonis
    Yourdonis Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks! No health problems. Im trying to do this the right way.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Since the default protein goal is very low for someone doing a diet, meet and exceed your protein goals, at the expense of carb goals. Meet fat goals too.
    The protein may help retain some muscle mass.
    Reasonable deficit will too.
    With only 9 lbs left to go, your goal loss should be 1/2 lb weekly to be reasonable, or you will almost assuredly be seeing muscle mass be some of the weight you lose - that's a real bummer, since you'll desire that when it's time to maintain and hope to eat more.

    Meet daily eating goal too, even when you log exercise and get credit, meet your goal.

    Don't be 15-20% away from meeting your daily calorie goal, or you should be just as willing to miss your goal weight by 15-20% and call it quits at that point too. Which means you are already there probably.