Frustrated with all the information?



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Nussbary wrote: »
    Something you may enjoy reading is 4-Hour Body. It is an easy read and explains the science behind 'the why'. Also there are basic rules on what to eat that are easy to stay with, for example: nothing white!

    I have eaten white foods including bread and rice and still lost weight.
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Nussbary wrote: »
    Also there are basic rules on what to eat that are easy to stay with, for example: nothing white!

    Very often those "basic rules" are far too simplistic. "Nothing white" also includes cauliflower, milk, pears and apples and coconuts (well, the inside, anyway), and there's not a lot of debate that these are perfectly healthy foods. There is nothing wrong with potatoes, pasta, and sugar -- within reason, within CICO, and within your macros.

    OP, we're not trying to make this difficult for you. Every one of us here on MFP and in the world has a slightly different take on what our eating program is. Please try using a food diary, talk to a nutritionist, do some checking around, and you'll find yourself deciding what works for you and what's healthy. You're right not to believe every word that's printed about health and nutrition, but research and experimentation can be your friends here.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Nussbary wrote: »
    Something you may enjoy reading is 4-Hour Body. It is an easy read and explains the science behind 'the why'. Also there are basic rules on what to eat that are easy to stay with, for example: nothing white!

    I have eaten white foods including bread and rice and still lost weight.

    I had cottage cheese this morning, as well as fried eggs (so you could see the white!).
  • cqbkaju
    cqbkaju Posts: 1,011 Member
    I have eaten white foods including bread and rice and still lost weight.
    ^ This

    The Japanese eat white rice sometimes 3 times a day, almost every day and maybe 5% of the population is overweight - including sumo wrestlers.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited June 2017
    afunke3460 wrote: »
    afunke3460 wrote: »
    Ok, so on Paleo bacon is good. Is that really the case? Or would this be a bad fat? I see many things saying it is bad but many that is good. Where does this lay on the fat scale? Is it better to do any protein or should I stick to low fat protein. Also what about jerky?

    Are you asking a paleo person, a clean eater, a vegan, a vegetarian, a person with predisposition to heart disease, a lchf dieter....

    Lol well I am not a vegan or vegetarian, I do Paleo most of the time, but am not seeing results. So I am thinking I need to change my diet. I am looking to see what I need to do and am wondering what I should bring with me? So I guess I am just trying to figure out what I need to do

    I think your bigger issue is unrealistic expectations that weight is just going to drop off and do so on a consistent basis. Flip flopping around on different diets every few weeks is an exercise in frustration. Do something and be consistent. You're not going to lose weight on a consistent're going to have stalls and weeks with smaller losses, no losses, small gains, etc. This is a long process and requires a steady, consistent approach.

    As nutrition goes, I take a common sense approach...lots of whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats from things like avocados, nuts, good cooking oils, whole grains, legumes, lentils, etc. Most of my diet is whole foods based or minimally processed food goods...I think it's pretty straight forward. That said, I maintain and lose weight eating the same way...the difference between the two weight management objectives are calories. I eat the way I do because I don't log and eating a largely whole foods diet helps keep calories in's a balanced and varied diet, just like Grandma used to talk about...
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited June 2017
    afunke3460 wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I am at a frustrating point. My goal was to loose 60 lbs this year. I have switched my diet to mostly Paleo, I would say 90%. I have a hard time with grains as it makes my stomach hurt. I lost about 15 lbs and got stuck. I upped my workouts and started to do c25k but I'm still stuck at 213. I am so frustrated because every time I see information about how to eat a certain way I also see 15 things telling me that isn't healthy. I feel like every bit of healthy eating info I get I also get contradictory information. Help!!! I really want to loose a bit more before my big vacation to Greece in Aug, but honestly I just want to lose the weight and be healthy. What do I do?

    I see that you are eating paleo...but are you weighing and logging these foods?

    It doesnt matter what your diet consists of as long as you are eating less than you burn.
    What changed after the 15lbs?
    How long have you been "stuck"?

    PS. Foods, like bacon, arent "bad". For those who want low fat diet or are predisposed to heart disease or are watching cholesterol...they may not eat certain foods like bacon. It all depends on your audience.
  • Nussbary
    Nussbary Posts: 34 Member
    ZoneFive wrote: »
    Nussbary wrote: »
    Also there are basic rules on what to eat that are easy to stay with, for example: nothing white!

    Very often those "basic rules" are far too simplistic. "Nothing white" also includes cauliflower, milk, pears and apples and coconuts (well, the inside, anyway), and there's not a lot of debate that these are perfectly healthy foods. There is nothing wrong with potatoes, pasta, and sugar -- within reason, within CICO, and within your macros.

    OP, we're not trying to make this difficult for you. Every one of us here on MFP and in the world has a slightly different take on what our eating program is. Please try using a food diary, talk to a nutritionist, do some checking around, and you'll find yourself deciding what works for you and what's healthy. You're right not to believe every word that's printed about health and nutrition, but research and experimentation can be your friends here.

    Agreed, everything is to be taken with a grain of salt! (yes, also white!)
  • Nussbary
    Nussbary Posts: 34 Member

    Avoiding white foods is one of the least scientific guidelines I have ever heard.

    Agreed!! The simple summary of the rule does sound silly. The whole premise is to play with your GI. Either way, it was an interesting read. Overall, I agree with other comments, you have to find what works best for you through experimenting.
  • amysteri
    amysteri Posts: 197 Member
    edited June 2017
    @afunke3460 If you are trying to lose weight by eating on a paleo diet... are you counting calories to make sure you are at a caloric deficit?

    you can be on any diet, but if you're not on a deficit you won't lose weight. So check your calorie intake and log food in your food diary :)

    As for what is healthy....
    For me, all food (fruits, veggies, grain, meat...) is healthy unless it's highly processed foods or foods with too many preservatives, hormones, herbicides, GMO's, etc. ...I'm not necessarily avoiding them but I try not to consume too many of them, I mean it's hard to find food nowadays that doesn't have them unless you buy organic, or go to a local farm, and I'm nowhere near one of those whole food stores, so... I eat what I can and hope I don't turn into a member of the X-Men lol :D

    Which is why I really think a nutritionist/dietitian is a good idea

    For me, rice is the best most awesome food ever! But many people will also say rice is evil

    ---- it's so cute and yummy I'm gonna die lol :D1.jpg

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    afunke3460 wrote: »
    Ok, so on Paleo bacon is good. Is that really the case? Or would this be a bad fat? I see many things saying it is bad but many that is good. Where does this lay on the fat scale? Is it better to do any protein or should I stick to low fat protein. Also what about jerky?

    there are no good or bad foods, there are only bad diets.

    Make sure that you are in a calorie deficit; hit micors and macros; find a form of activity that you enjoy and do that...

    stop assigning good/bad labels to food. You can eat the foods you enjoy and lose 60 pounds....I did.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    @amysteri those are adorable did you make them? Is there anything inside?
  • amysteri
    amysteri Posts: 197 Member
    @Treece68 this picture I didn't, but I've made them before. It's very easy. :)
    It's just rice. Cook the rice and once it is cooked let it cool a bit and you form it in your hand. I use seaweed and cut it into shapes using scissors and place them on the rice ball. It's very easy and doesn't take too long to do :)
    Also, there is nothing inside, you can always put something inside like a shrimp or fish, but at that point it becomes sushi :p
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    lpina2mi wrote: »
    About 2 yrs ago I aimed to lose ~60lbs. I shed 14lbs then got stuck. Eating to TDEE and upping the workouts were popular recommendations at the time. I tried them and gained weight. I went back to what I had been doing but those new pounds would not go. I gave up.

    I'm back, as of February and lost 10lbs in about 3 months doing moderate macros with min recommended kcal. Then I seemed to plateau, so I began looking for other solutions. I am revisiting low-carb/higher-fats, which was a part of my past success and something new: HIIT(high intensity exercise). I am down another 2lbs in one month.

    I want to lose a bit faster, so I can meet my stage1 goal by mid August, so I am also exploring IF (Intermittent fasting), which when I take the milk out of my coffee, I am essentially doing anyway, because I am not a breakfast eater.

    My current sources of new information is:
    Jason Fung, M.D. for physiology understanding around insulin resistance & obesity.
    for understanding IF or the short-course in Aetiology of Obesity

    Barabara O'Neill for Water & Mineral Salt
    for understanding Acid-Alkaline balance
    for learning why HIIT works
    for accepting fats, albeit healthy, into my diet

    IF won't make you lose faster ....
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lpina2mi wrote: »

    IF won't make you lose faster ....

    I will see. The physiology of a liver's limited capacity to store glycogen as part of understanding the metabolic process seems to be key to IF.

  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    @amysteri Thanks I am going to make these. I was thinking like pulled pork or red bean paste