Starting over

jdypdy Posts: 5 Member
Well I'm kickstarting the weight loss effort again. I worked very hard and lost 65 pounds before encountering some health issues. Much to my dismay doctors at the cancer clinic advised me not to restrict my diet until post operation and treatments. Of course I regained about half of the poundage lol. So now I'm regrouping. I'm telling you battling the big C and the blues that followed wasn't easy and there are days I still want to crawl back under the duvet but I'm still standing, still looking forward to getting stronger and healthier. Wish me luck!!


  • authorkeqm
    authorkeqm Posts: 13 Member
    I certainly do wish you luck! Not only with your weight loss, but with the horrific disease which you are also battling. Please keep us posted! I'm going to be sending you a friend request.